Tuesday, March 8, 2022


 We’re doing just fine here, but I have nothing much to report.

The weather is making a slow segue into spring. Mornings are chilly, but the sun (if it appears) will give us a little afternoon warmth. It’s still too soon to work in the garden.

I’m slowly working on sewing projects. I subscribed to a site that promotes the making of doll clothes, and this month’s topic is upcycling a man’s shirt into a doll outfit – or whatever you want. Mike volunteered that I could use one of his shirts. I was surprised because Mike is fond of his collection of shirts. And really, most of his shirts don’t inspire me, but I happened to think of one – a “Bugle Boy” out of the early ‘90s – and found it in his closet. The collar was beyond frayed – totally worn out – and the sleeve was torn, but I felt his reticence when I asked to repurpose it. I held my ground and started whacking away on it before he could change his mind.

We’ll see how this goes. I’ve chosen a project, and I will either make progress, or life will happen and it will be added to my list of unfinished projects.

I like the idea of repurposing textiles. The more we keep out of the landfill, the better. But I also think of my mother, who always said that she much preferred to work with new fabrics. She didn’t alter or re-make much, but she made lots of new clothes. She took pride in her sewing and handwork. 

Well, that was then, and this is now. I wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes these days – and I don’t mind recycling an old shirt into something different. KW


  1. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. I guess that means I'll actually have to do it instead of just thinking about it. Okay. I selected a pattern. No question but that I'll have enough fabric.

  3. What is it about guys and their shirts? Dan's side of the closet is stuffed with them and he only wears a few of them. When I suggest he donate some of them he hems and haws and beats feet. Must be in their genes. (:

  4. Oh, and I, too, am looking forward to the finished product! But no pressure!

  5. No pressure -- hahahaha! Well, I have something in mind. I miss Hazel. She kept me moving forward. I'd like to find another "Hazel," but I just don't know one.

    And yes, I think it IS in their genes, especially those born mid-century and trained in frugality. AND -- Mike will say, "I have plenty of shirts; I don't need new ones," but he's a fit person and looks so good in a new slim-cut shirt.
