Monday, March 21, 2022


Bulbs grow among the weeds

Mike and Clint arrived at the town house about 3:00 on Saturday afternoon. Bess was super-excited to see Mike, and I was relieved that they were safely home. After unloading the pick-up and trailer, Clint thanked Mike for planning a fun trip, and Mike thanked Clint for going along. Then Clint left for home.

Bess and I got along just fine, but she’s a bit bossy, you know. Actually, I think she whined at me less while Mike was gone, probably because I was just marching to her drummer. (“Oh, you want me to fix my supper now? Okay. I don’t mind eating early.”)

Staycation was reasonably productive. I finished crocheting Silas’ Christmas stocking. I just have to line it and then it will be ready for Santa’s visit 2022, now only 279 days away. I also put a face on “Jingles the Crocheted Elf” that I started during some other staycation years ago, and having accomplished that “buffalo,” perhaps I can finish him. I want our Christmas decorations to include lots of “softies” that a toddler can handle and enjoy. And of course, I stitched together the two fabric books for Silas, and they were delivered today.  

Yardwork calls

You know, I always think that I’ll get so much done while I staycate, but in reality, it just doesn’t happen. Could I stay on task and work harder and faster? I doubt it. I’m not sure I would even want to. It IS a staycation, after all. KW 


  1. When Dan is gone I always think I'll get so much done, too. Never happens--some kind of time warp must go into effect!! I think you got a lot done, though.

  2. Yes, I accomplished some things, but I wanted to do more. I say that, but when the Trib's puzzle magazine came out, I was hooked.

  3. It is so easy for the day to slip away and when you are enjoying yourself, there’s really no need to rush it.
