Thursday, May 5, 2022


Snow on the mountains

Mike determined that Wednesday, May 4, would be the best day of this week and perhaps next for a workday at the farm. We would go in the big old Dodge Ram, loading the 4-wheeler onto the bed and trailering the riding lawnmower. (We store these in town during the winter to keep the mice from building housing developments in them.) We also had to load a new screen/storm door for the sunporch, and it’s heavy.

“Maybe we could ask Clint to come help,” I suggested. The loading makes me nervous, not to mention my role as first assistant.

“No, I can do it,” said Mike. Well, we certainly want to do everything we can for ourselves.

By Tuesday afternoon, we were loaded and ready to go. Bess watched the process from afar. Wednesday morning, though, Bess waited patiently at the pick-up, indicating her desire to be included. How did she know we would go this morning? 

The trip went fine. Mike had worried about the wash at the bottom of the lane, but it was passable. It was 55 degrees as we pulled into the yard. By afternoon, the sun was warm.  

Mike always works hard. He unloaded the 4-wheeler and the lawnmower and pushed the trailer into the barn. Then I helped him carry the door to the barn since he wouldn’t have time to install it today. Meanwhile, I discovered the sprayer at the kitchen sink was leaking, so Mike found a spare one and installed it. We knew the valve on the water tank was leaking, and we have now arranged for a repair.

I picked up branches, twigs, and pinecones and took a cartload to the burn pile. Mike cleaned the eavestroughs and snow breaks on the roof and then rinsed them with the hose. It’s a big job and took several hours. Then he mowed the lawn.

“We’ll get this place in shape yet,” Mike said, and I wondered if he meant just this year or if he counts the 20+ years we’ve been coming here.

In the house, I put away the supplies we brought. The dishwasher was full of dishes accumulated since October, so I ran it and put the dishes away. I also gave the fridge its annual cleaning. And while I worked in the kitchen, a hummingbird came to the window to ask for nectar. 

Mike planted an ornamental cherry tree, a volunteer from town, in the grove. I bought a pony of thyme plants at Home Depot last week ($15) and planted those on the bank. I figured it was a good time to plant them since rain is in the forecast.

I thought about planting spinach, but the raised beds were wet and need weeding and renewal. That's the way it goes.

We were back in town before 6:00. Temp was 79 – still 65 at bedtime. And for the first time this season, I notice the aroma of spring. Today, Mike is off on an early bike ride to beat the rain – 100% chance beginning at 11:00. We’ll see what really happens. KW 


  1. Wow! 79 degrees?!

    That was quite a busy day. I hope you take some days to rest.

  2. A good time for thyme..... :)
