Saturday, June 18, 2022


“I’m thinking we should go back to town after lunch,” said Mike on Friday (June 17). “I need things that I have there, and it’s going to rain anyway.” After a quick mental adjustment (I’m used to it), I agreed. I have things to do both places.

Thursday afternoon, Mike decided the soil in the raised beds was dry enough to till. It went well. The soil clumps broke apart readily. He offered to help me plant on Friday morning, but I assured him I could do it. I even prefer to plant alone because gardening is a matter of quiet puttering and cogitation. Mike seemed relieved and left to cycle the rolling hills of Russell Ridge before the predicted wind picked up.

As we walked with Bess Thursday afternoon, we noticed big hoof tracks in the lane. Mike thinks they belong to an elk. He found more tracks this morning, and I wonder if it’s messing with my lilac bushes. Something is – or has been.

A baby rattler lurks under the rhubarb plant

After planting the raised beds, I watered the rhubarb plants, where I found a baby rattler hiding under a leaf. The snake and I were both startled. I ran to the house to get Mike. Together we examined the situation, but while the baby snake crawled further under the bush to hide, it didn’t leave, as rattlers are wont to do. It had reason to stay as it had evidently killed a mouse. I have a picture, but I decided not to post it. This was our first snake sighting of 2022.

I’ll let you know how my garden grows – IF it grows. KW

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