Thursday, September 15, 2022

“Reunited, and it feels so good"

Smoke in Little Canyon

Sometimes something happens that makes us feel out of step with the universe. I expect these things happen to all of us. Perhaps you’re ready for a bike ride and discover a tire is flat. Or you misplace something you need. Or you leave a bag of groceries at the check-out stand, and to make matters worse, the shopper behind you quietly takes it instead of turning it in. Maybe you find you only have half enough fabric to back the quilt you’re making. OR – you leave your phone at the town house when you go to the farm and have to endure a week without it. I’m sure there are other examples. These things are not the end of the world, but it sets you back, and you wonder how you can do better.


So, yes, I left my phone in town last week. I didn’t discover I had left it until we were at the farmhouse. If it had been Mike’s phone, we would have had to go back for it, but I don’t have that many calls. Nevertheless, I missed it and was glad to be reunited. Mike and I often “call the roll” of important items as we drive away from whichever house. “Do you have your phone?” one of us will say. But we didn’t last week.

Mike & Bess, hunting

And I had looked forward to making progress on the Grinch quilt but discovered I had purchased only half enough yardage for the backing. It was not the end of the world – just an inconvenience. A trip to JoAnn’s rectified the situation, thank goodness, and as you know, I don’t mind going there.

Looking over north field -- smoky

We had a brief shower yesterday morning which might have dissipated some of the smoke, but it’s still hazy and Teakean Butte and Little Canyon are obscured.

It’s cooler now. The windows that we opened last week to capture the fresh air are now firmly closed.  

Mike has trained Bess to ride in the box on the back of the 4-wheeler. I guess you really can train an old dog to do new tricks. He trained her by putting a shotgun on the gun rack, and slowly driving off. She got the picture. “If I want to go hunting, I have to ride in the box.” Her love of going with Mike overcame her timidity. Well, sort of. She's still nervous about it.

And on a final note for those inquiring minds that wonder what will be planted in our fields this year, it’s wheat, and they will plant in about two weeks or so. KW

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