Tuesday, October 11, 2022


More than ten years ago, I bought a themed quilt kit, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” I was inspired to make it, but the pattern proved difficult, and what’s more, I didn’t like it. So, I bought a different Grinch quilt kit and also extra Grinch-themed fabrics – you know, just in case. Then, after all that time and thought – not to mention money – I couldn’t think of anyone in my family who would appreciate that quilt. So, I bundled it all away. “Maybe someday. . .,” I said, but it was way down on the bucket list.

Then came Silas – just one year ago today – and the Grinch quilt suddenly came to life in my imagination. “Perfect!” I exclaimed, and I pulled the bundle from the cupboard, assessed the patterns, and set to work.

“What are you doing today,” asked Hallie (Silas’ mom) as I staycated in August. “I’m working on the Grinch quilt,” I replied. “FUN!” she said. Fun? Hmmm.  It seemed tedious. A skilled quilter I am not. But it was meant to be a fun, wacky holiday quilt, and I resolved to have fun making it.

The quilt slowly progressed, and I realized by mid-September that if I could finish it in a matter of weeks, I could send it to Silas for his first birthday so that he could enjoy it during the holidays. It was a daunting thought. I wondered if I could finish it at all, let alone before October 11, but I resolved to try. “Steady. Focus. Focus,” I silently advised myself.

This quilt could have become a “buffalo” (again) at any point, but I pressed on. Oh, I had my troubles. It took me all day one Sunday to assemble the quilt sandwich, and I finally opted to leave out the batting. Backed with flannel, it will be warm enough for two or three people cuddled together as they re-tell the famous story with the help of the quilt pictures. It will also roll up nicely for storage, and perhaps best of all, it can easily be laundered.

Unfortunately, I suffered a setback when I measured the binding incorrectly. (My math skills have slipped a bit over time.) But remember – I have all that extra fabric, and it was an easy fix. I even made it better! I used the “blunt end” method instead of mitering the corners. And I stitched the binding in place by machine instead of by hand (the preferred method). I make no apologies. It was time to get on with it.

Last Thursday, Oct. 7, the quilt was finished. I brought it to town Friday morning. I washed it – essential since I had drug it on the floor more than once – and dried it. It didn’t come apart, so I bundled it into a mailer and sent it off to Silas. Today (Oct. 11) is his first birthday, and we watched by FaceTime as his mom helped him open the quilt. I met the deadline!

P.S. Silas also got a copy of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” though I think his mother can recite it by heart. KW


  1. Oh, well done!! So proud of you! He'll love it and love the book. (I read it to my classes every year at school.) I love the picture of Silas and when I looked at the ones Hallie put on Instagram realized how much he looks like his dad! Hard to believe it's been a whole year since his arrival.

  2. Thank you, Chris! I think of you whenever I make a quilt and the encouragement you have provided.

    I just don't know what happened to this past year.

  3. Happy Birthday Silas! I can't believe he is 1 already. And nice job on the quilt Grandma!

    1. Not sure why it says anonymous. It's from me Becky

  4. Thank you, Becky. And thanks for identifying yourself.

  5. I would have loved this quilt growing up and I love it now. It will make Silas' room festive for the holiday and in many years if he doesn't take it with him, it will continue to make my home happy. We appreciate your effort and I assure you it was worth all the trial!

  6. Hi Hallie!
    I guess I should have finished the Grinch quilt for you instead of storing the fabric. And when you were little, I wasn't sewing much at all.

    The stack of Grinch fabric looks as if I barely made a dent in it. I might have to substitute some plain reds and greens, but I can definitely make another quilt.
