Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 Now I must go and build the fire in Dad’s room and wash my late dinner dishes and do all the little things to make the evening comfortable. – Ina Dobson, 1936

Colder temps demand a return to the winter routine – warmer clothes, warmer bedding, making sure the electric blanket is turned on well before bedtime, fires in the little stove, a hot drink for morning break, jacket and gloves for walks. Like Ina, we do little things to make the evening comfortable.

I have apparently hidden our bedspread from myself, but in the process of looking for it in the shop loft, Mike DID FIND the computer monitor he has been searching for. And we found an eyelet bedspread I thought I had donated, so I put that on our bed. At least we’re warm enough now.

I shredded the lone zucchini and all the green tomatoes from my fall garden. I was right about the zucchini – four cups, or enough for two batches of bread. I have three cups of shredded green tomatoes. I haven’t decided whether to make bread or mincemeat.

Mike read in the local paper that the blue aphids lay their eggs on the bark of ash trees. Well, we have a purple ash on the back of our town lot. I hadn’t noticed the infestation of aphids in previous years, but we see them this year! Mike said that he saw them last year.

We have friends who came down with Covid a couple of weeks ago. They aren’t really well yet. As soon as Mike heard they were sick, he went for the latest booster update. Yesterday (Tuesday) I got my booster and also a flu shot. I began to feel strange about 5:00, but I fixed supper (a tasty pheasant tortellini skillet meal), took my shower, and then as Mike was complimenting the meal, I promptly passed out. Mike dashed around the table to catch me. Today I stayed quiet. KW


  1. This is a great story. I'm sorry you passed out. I got my flu shot, but no booster. No adverse effects. Stay healthy and no more passing out.

  2. Thanks, Chuck! I feel fine today.

  3. Yikes!! Glad you're fine today, but a very strange happening, for sure.

  4. Thanks, Chris. The shots took it out of me for 24 hours, but I'm fine now. Glad to have it behind me.

  5. I've decided that the booster + flu shot combo is not great. I lost my appetite and felt light headed at times, but I slept most of the day, which prevents passing out. I hate hate hate not feeling good!

  6. I wondered what would have happened if I'd been alone when I passed out, and of course, none of us likes the thought of that. However, I did think that if I'd headed to bed when I began not to feel well instead of fixing supper, I'd have been better off. I slept hard all night long.

    And I agree -- I won't have two shots at the same time again.
