Wednesday, December 14, 2022

MR. & MRS. CLAUS -- DAY 14

In reviewing my digital images yesterday, I came across this wonderful photo of my mother and dad, Dorothy and Vance Dobson, taken after Christmas in 1959. My dad had set a timer on the camera, and they were having fun.

Mother and Daddy were of one mind when it came to making Christmas for the people they loved. They were like Mr. & Mrs. Claus at the North Pole. Time, place, and people came together, and they made the most of it. They were great! KW


  1. Yes, Christmas was always magical at their house. This is a great picture of them!

  2. I think it's a better photo than the one I submitted to the Trib (posted here on Day 7) because they're younger, less posed, more relaxed, but I thought the association with the Christmas tree was important.

    Well, as I say, it was the the time, the place, the growing crop of cousins. We shall not pass that way again. Tradition is wonderful, but eventually everything changes. "This, too, shall pass."

  3. This is a great picture of them. I think it is a rare moment in their (and our) lives. They seemed so happy.

  4. It is snowing quite hard. We have about 8 to10 inches right now.

  5. I could have been convinced not to get a tree this year because I figured anything within Silas’ reach would be at risk, but Nick really wanted one. All the durable ornaments are down low and even then we left it sparse. I didn’t even get out all of my ornaments this year—it’s just not how I wanted to spend my time, I guess.

    Becky: our special ornaments are the ones you gave us from Aunt Harriet’s stash. I tied little green threads to the top of them so I would always know for certain which ones were hers.

  6. Hi Hallie!
    I think it was right to get a tree. Silas is already building memories, even though he won't actually remember. And the sooner you start with "that's a no-no." the better. And then hopefully we fix it so that nothing we care about is lost. Mother always put the non-breakables on the bottom branches.

    Nice idea to tie threads on the ornaments from Harriet's collection. It's also a special memory of being with Becky and L.J. on that occasion.

  7. Oh my goodness! I LOVE that photo! Regarding children and Christmas trees, a special memory of mine is thirteen-month-old Matt sitting in front of our tree in his red footie jammies, mesmerized.
