Thursday, February 2, 2023


According to the "Daily Almanac" (the daily newsletter from "The Old Farmer's Almanac"), today is not only Groundhog’s Day but also Candlemas, a Christian feast day celebrated by the lighting of candles. I love it! In my opinion, we’re all too quick to put our Christmas traditions away instead of letting them light our way through January. Keep lighting those candles (and singing those songs) during the dark months.

Speaking of candles, the price is exorbitant these days – $25 for a large pillar candle at JoAnn’s, and I learned from experience that they don't burn especially well. Of course, at discount locations, prices are marked up to be marked down, but still – as far as I’m concerned, they’re asking an original price of $25 for a $10 item. Well, no matter. I have votives and tea candles, and those are just as much fun to burn with the added bonus that they are unscented.

Today, the Daily Almanac reports that the Groundhog accurately predicts the coming of spring only 39% of the time. He is not a reliable predicter. It’s still 49 days until spring. KW

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