Friday, March 24, 2023


Typical March weather

I went shopping by myself the other day. Mike and I often go together, and that’s fine, but he tends to shop with blinders on – just goes to the store to get what he’s after and that’s all. Sometimes I like to poke along just to see what’s there.

A clump of daffodils needs to be dug and divided

The head baker at one of those upscale expensive baking product companies opined that he could afford to buy eggs and butter even if they are costly. I figure the same way, although I’m taken aback at the price. Nevertheless, I have experimented with some substitutes for eggs. For instance, the other day I made zucchini bread by substituting ¾ cup Greek yogurt for three eggs. I was also careful not to overfill the pans, and for once, my bread was done in the middle without being overbaked. It was moist and delicious even without the eggs.

A daffodil among the crocus in a weedy garden

I also baked a Duncan Hines’ Swiss Chocolate cake mix. Interestingly, the fine print said I could substitute Greek yogurt for the vegetable oil rather than the eggs. I made no substitutions, but I took the cake out of the oven two minutes early, and it was nicely moist and not overbaked.

I thought that maybe after 50+ years I was finally figuring out how to bake. Then I walked out of the kitchen to take a shower and scorched my apple pie. Mike keeps insisting I’m a good cook. It’s a good thing he’s the only person I have to please. KW

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