Monday, April 3, 2023


Cherry tree begins to bud

“I’m going to spray the weeds after lunch,” said Mike.

“Are you sure you should,” I asked. “The wind has come up.”

And so, he settled on another activity.

And that’s the way it goes in early spring. The weather is so changeable. The sun shines one minute and it clouds up the next. And it’s quite breezy. Nothing much is happening yet. Our summer projects are still in the planning stage.

Mike and I tried to stream a movie the other night. Mike had one in mind, but we couldn’t find it, so we began to surf through the menu for something to watch. I hate that! It’s a waste of time. But eventually we agreed upon a certain documentary.

Same tree, different direction

“Hmmm,” I thought to myself. “How long should I sit here before I mention that I think we’ve seen this?” It’s not unusual for either one of us to select programs we’ve already seen, and it can be a while before we realize it. Ten minutes in, I gently ventured, “Do you think we’ve seen this?” Mike laughingly agreed, and we went back to the menu.

“That looks interesting,” I said of the documentary on Calamity Jane.

“But we’ve seen it,” said Mike.

“We have?” I questioned.

“I think so,” said Mike.

Two minutes in, I realized he was right.

Finally, we settled on some lackluster biography, but the next day I couldn’t remember the subject. “What did we watch last night?” I asked Mike.

He paused. “It will come to me,” he said. And it came to him first – a biography on Gary Cooper. I’m not sure, but I think we had seen it. KW 


  1. It is terrible when there is nothing onTV that you haven't seen. We scroll through menus for hours trying to find something that would be interesting. Maybe we should find a different sort of entertainment.

  2. So true, Chuck. We should find a different sort of entertainment.

  3. I have pretty much given up on TV. Dan still enjoys it as a mindless activity at the end of the day, so he goes down to the family room for a while each evening to watch something, often an old movie he enjoys. I'm content to stay upstairs and stitch or knit or read. He usually joins me with a book after a while. TV is awful these days.

  4. Yes, watching TV is a mindless activity, and we've pretty much always known that. I agree that the programming is awful. I applaud your success in breaking away from it, Chris.
