Saturday, December 16, 2023

DAY 16 --- ADVENT 2023


And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. – Luke 2:8

We can all be shepherds and keep watch over our flocks (our thoughts), even when day grows dark and cold. I love to think about the shepherds. What a boring job! But they had to be alert in order to protect the flock. And as they watched without distraction, they must have thought about the deeper things of life.

It's interesting that in my random collection of Christmas cards, I have far more images of the Wisemen than of the Shepherds. Even in the nativity scenes, the presence of the shepherds is diminished -- sort of like, "Oh yeah, and there were shepherds, too." But there must have been a group of them. 

Maybe it’s because the Wisemen carried gifts. Whatever -- I think the whole story is full of symbolism. KW

1 comment:

  1. And the crazy thing is that the shepherds were the ones the angels told to go see the child that very night and the wisemen came later as by then Mary, Joseph and Jesus were in a house.
