Wednesday, December 27, 2023


We were together for Christmas, and Santa came with something for everyone. The elephant in the room was Milo’s absence, but I know we will get used to it. That’s life as we know it.

Meanwhile, we had fun with Silas and his presents, especially his books. We have pictures of everyone reading to Silas.

Grandma reads about Rudolph

Uncle Murray reads a tiny book

Grandpa reads the comics

Mike, Hallie, and Silas

Uncle Clint reads The Poop Book

[PS -- Note the Santa slippers on Silas' feet. My mother made those slippers for my children 40+ years ago.] 


  1. Silas will always love to read and he will love looking at these photos when he's older. The slippers are so cute!

  2. I was saving those slippers until Silas would be four or five, but I decided to send them this year since I didn't have time to make a pair. Lo and behold, they fit him now. I'm glad the opportunity to have him wear the slippers didn't pass me by.
