Friday, March 29, 2024


It’s a lovely sunny day – at least, it is right now. Typical of March, the weather has been alternately cold, warm, blustery, and overcast / rainy – sometimes all in one day. The billowy white clouds are beautiful in the blue sky, or in the next moment, the sky turns a dark gray.

Good Friday always feels special to me. It seems to include a deep expectation. This year is no different.

I noticed yesterday that the artificial cherry tree next to the west side of the town house is beginning to bloom. The early daffodils are in bloom, while the later varieties are getting ready to open. Yard work beckons.

Two weeks ago, I planted vegetable seeds in peat pots and set them in the kitchen window. One of the summer squashes and a tomato are sprouting as I write. I hope the others will follow suit. Some of my seeds were saved from other years, and perhaps they won’t sprout. There’s always “Plan B” – buy plants (or buy new seeds).

I made hot cross buns today – a Good Friday treat. Breadmaking isn’t my strong suit, but on Good Friday, I make hot cross buns. It seems like my creative efforts fail as often as not, and I discovered after mixing the dough that I had left the butter out. I just ran another knead cycle, and the end product is acceptable. KW


  1. The hot cross buns: More than acceptable. They were excellent!

  2. Thank you, Mike. You have always been a good sport about the cooking errors. But I am glad that I worked the butter into the dough. The rolls are nicely tender.

  3. Happy Easter! We love you, too!
