Saturday, April 6, 2024



Tuesday (April 2), we went to the farm, trailering the lawnmower. I forgot to report on our last visit that the lane didn’t wash out this year. The work last fall paid off.

The new nozzle for the kitchen sink didn’t arrive even though we expected it. That’s a story in itself. Thinking it would be delivered by UPS, Mike had the order addressed to the farm, but instead of delivering it, UPS dropped it into the post office. Our farm mail delivery is suspended until May 1, so we were unsure if it would be forwarded to the town house or returned to sender. Fortunately, our mail lady delivered it yesterday.

So, Mike will fix the kitchen faucet on our next trip, but he did install a new flapper in the downstairs toilet before commencing to spray the weeds that grow up the center of the lane. This is a time-consuming project and involves climbing on and off the 4-wheeler.

My time-consuming project was feeding the gopher holes in the yard. The gophers have been busy expanding their underground highway. I kept finding more holes! And we had four large mice in traps in the house. The Great Rodent War 2024 is on!

The daffodils are in bloom, and I was glad to see them. The strawberry plants also look good, and I pulled the pine straw off of them so that they can enjoy the sun. Well, it was a pleasant spring day while we were there, but now we’re having another spell of winter.

A solitary Canada goose was patrolling the pond. I suspect he was guarding a family hidden in the reeds because he wasn’t intimidated by our presence. He even warned Bess with a hearty honk, and Bess barked back but moved off.

Before we left, we planted a few rhubarb roots that a friend gave me. I’m skeptical that these will grow. At the farm, my established rhubarb plants are barely making a showing, but my friend in town is already pulling healthy stalks.

Note dry ground

I tell you what, though – it’s already dry. It’s early spring and the pond isn’t overflowing into the spillway and it’s dry under the clothesline. It’s early to be so dry and doesn’t bode well for the summer. The newspaper reports that parts of Clearwater County are already in drought, and I can believe it. We could use some of that moisture that’s falling in abundance in other regions. We’ve had some rain this week, but it’s never enough. KW


  1. It's amazing that as close in proximity as we are, that we're a soggy mess up here and you're dry. Rain and snow have been in forecast for days and the mountain is white. BUT the trees are starting to bud out and even tiny bits of green can be seen! Those meeces and gophers better beware--you're on the warpath!!

  2. Ha! I will never win the war. We are considering using bait in the house. I hate to do that. And somehow they're getting into the closet under the stairs (behind the kitchen). So, the ceiling in that closet slants from the door to the floor at the back (a triangle), making it difficult to assess to find their egress. And as we know, they can squeeze through a tiny hole.

    I'll keep you posted on my wins and losses.
