Monday, June 17, 2024


During our recent reunion at the farmhouse, Hallie said that Silas wanted to bake M&M cookies with me. I was surprised. Silas doesn’t get many sweet treats. His sweets come in the form of fruits and low-sugar muffins. Silas is a happy eater.

“He loves to help with the mixing,” said Hallie, “and he especially likes to dump the ingredients into the bowl.”

So, at the appointed time, I gathered ingredients and pulled out the stand mixer, which is always at the ready for the next baking adventure. I measured and Silas dumped with Hallie standing by as guard. We finished with a nice batch of M&M cookies.

Note the stand mixer. This mixer replaced a KitchenAid that I had grown to dislike because its slow speeds weren’t slow enough. On the lower gears, it still flipped flour and batter out of the bowl. I put up with it for years, but when Hallie discovered this problem, she suggested I replace it. Personally, my favorite mixer was the old Oster / Sunbeam with the flat bowl, but those are evidently no longer on the market. The present mixer was a $99 special during an Amazon event, and I figured for that price I could give it a try. It has a powerful 6-speed motor (half as many speeds as the KitchenAid), but the lowest speed is actually low. It works for me.

And I gave my old KitchenAid to son Murray, who doesn’t bake cookies and desserts. As far as I know, it works for him. KW 


Hallie said...

Silas is in a very strong "I can do it myself" phase at the moment. I have taken to asking him about every little thing whether he will do it himself or if he wants help. Making cookies with Grandma was a special time.

Chris said...

Your new mixer looks interesting! Love the red and am glad it's working out for you. Did Silas enjoy eating the cookies?

Kathy said...

I watched as Silas determinately loaded all the old Matchbox cars into the bin, put the lid on, and then carried it up the stairs. It was impressed. It was his idea, and he was doing it himself.

My KitchenAid was red, too. I like red. This mixer is not the quality of the KitchenAid, but you know, we're only here part of the year. To purchase a better KitchenAid was running into hundreds of dollars, and I couldn't see doing that.

I'm sure Silas got to eat a cookie, and I sent the remainder of the batch home with them.