Tuesday, June 25, 2024



We’re having our trials here at the farm. No, it’s nothing serious, and we could say it’s just the way life is in the country. Nevertheless, it takes time to handle these things, and it’s inconvenient. I’m thinking of the ticks, grackles, deer, ants, rodents, aphids, etc. – OH MY!!

After walking the perimeter of the north field last week, I must have removed six ticks from my person. I vowed then that my field-walking days would be over until after harvest, but Mike invited me to walk to the canyon rim this morning. I wanted to go, so I put on jeans and tucked in a long-sleeved shirt. I also pulled my socks over my jeans. Then I sprayed myself liberally with OFF. I don’t think any ticks rode home with me, but Mike had one. He walked in the tall grass while I stayed on the edge of the field.

In the process of setting up a hose last week, Mike discovered ants in the woodshed. We were concerned because that’s where Bess’ house is, but we seem to have dispensed with them easily – at least for now.

And the grackles. I could do without them, too. They complain every time I set foot out the kitchen door. Who invited them anyway, and how long will they stay? I wonder if they ate my spinach and lettuce seeds. I wouldn’t put it past them.

Hummingbirds visited yesterday and drained the feeders in eight hours. Feeding seems to have slowed today. I don’t know why. It’s the same nectar.

The photos here were taken on our walk. As you can see, the wheat fields are rapidly ripening -- lighter every day. KW


  1. Grackles??? Did you make that up? Never heard of it.

  2. No, I didn't make it up. You can read about the common grackle here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_grackle

    Other better sites may exist.

    And they're protected. Ideas on getting rid of them, such as removing birdseed and putting a lid on your garbage can, don't apply to us. They love to roam around the yard picking up random seeds, etc. They squawk at me every time I go out the kitchen door.

  3. Hallie I had to look them up also......

  4. I think in the past we've misidentified grackles as starlings. Starlings, grackles, flickers -- all these birds are pests and ruin it for better species.

    The strawberries aren't looking so good this year, but when I approached this morning to check the bed, the grackles had a fit! Who do they think they are?
