Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Mid-day, July 29


Evening, July 29 -- smoke is worse

Afternoon, July 30 -- after the rainstorm

Our return to the farm was briefly delayed when a dental issue arose for me, but fortunately, my dentist was able to work me in on Monday morning (July 29). We loaded the Jeep and stopped off at the dentist on our way out of town. Unfortunately, that night a tooth chipped, and this time the appointment is a week out, which means we will stay in town three extra days. (This will be my fourth trip into the dentist office for maintenance and repair since my last semi-annual cleaning.)

Cottonwood Butte in distance -- July 31

I often think that if we truly lived at the farm, we would manage differently. People do live here, you know, and they travel to town more readily than we do. Some of them even have jobs in town. We tend to feel that once we’re here, we should simply make-do, and it doesn’t hurt us a bit.

Anyway, a stretch of the river road was still closed on Monday due to the Gwen Fire, which meant that the whole road just as well be closed as far as we were concerned. We drove back by way of our alternate route. When we arrived at Gilbert, it was plenty smoky, and by evening, it was even worse. However, from Monday night into Tuesday, we had a good soaking rain here, which seemed to dispel the smoke. However, we understand it didn’t rain much in the Valley where air quality and heat alerts are still in effect. Another fire burns west of Lewiston now.

Teakean Butte, July 31

A high-pressure system is moving in, says the forecast, and we really will have another spell of excessive heat – triple digits in the Valley.

I’m joining a group of P.E.O. sisters for dessert tomorrow afternoon. The date was set more than two months ago, but as it happens, tomorrow (August 1) is “National Girlfriends Day.” Fun! KW


  1. My dentist moved to Vancouver BC and so I'm with a new person. I have a chipped tooth in front of a tooth that is slated for a crown. They want to fix the chipped tooth when the crown is done, but I don't have major coverage and am waiting until next year. I am unimpressed that they have not offered to make the chipped tooth more comfortable for me (I asked about it a second time at my cleaning). We'll see how the next couple of appointments go. Maybe it's time for a new place.

    Anyway, I hear you on the dental front.

  2. Maybe Chuck will weigh in. He's also in discussion with his dentist about appropriate treatment.

  3. Boy, makes me thankful for my great dentist! Just went in for a buff and polish on Monday. I will say, that I have great teeth--only one tiny cavity in fifty-seven years. Of course my little escapade on a motor cycle back in '68 has caused me much trouble over the years with several multiple caps. Hope you and Hallie are soon fixed. Or is that repaired, or mended? I will say, Hallie, that if you're not happy with your dentist and his/her work, don't hesitate to find another. I wish I had learned that when I was younger.

  4. Here's a dentist update. Mike and I came back to town this afternoon and stopped at a service station for gas, pulling around a guy on a motorcycle to take the next spot. A minute or so later, we heard a voice say, "Well, fancy meeting you folks here." It was son Clint (the guy on the motorcycle). He was on his way to the dentist -- the same dentist our family has used for years. Clint related that he had missed his appointment two weeks ago because he failed to update the dentist office on his new phone number, so he called them today, and they got him right in!!!!! I was upset that he got an immediate appointment until I realized that he was going in for cleaning, not for repair.

    Yes, Chris, you do have great teeth! I have had a lot of work, beginning in childhood. When I consider that my parents both wore dentures, I'm grateful that I still have my own teeth.

  5. My philosophy on dental care is influenced by my age. How long will I need teeth to eat? My dentist wants me to get an implant at a cost of over $5,000. I don't think I would be around to get much use out of it. I would rather have the tooth removed. Much less expensive, and I would have the hole for just the rest of my life. The rest of my teeth seem to be in good shape, according to my last recent cleaning.
