Wednesday, October 2, 2024


What happened to September?

Maybe autumn is here after all. Gradually both the high and low temps are lower, though still up and down. The last couple of nights, my winter PJs and one blanket haven’t been quite enough, so I topped our bed with my Halloween quilt.

“This is a decorative quilt. It shouldn’t be used,” said son Milo a couple of years ago. I meant for it to be used, though. I think quilts should be used. But – whatever Milo said, I will think of it now. He was not without observations and perceptions.

Mike is home now from his excellent motorcycle adventure. The only thing he lost on this trip was his hot water bottle, which he left behind at a motel. I found a replacement on Amazon at half price – $8.00. No point in worrying about the one he left behind. It’s cheaper to replace it.

And now onto the autumnal fun. Well, except for those pesky October gnats which are already making an appearance. They breed on ash trees, and unfortunately, we have one.

Through the magic of the internet, Mike, Hallie, and I attended court in Ada County this morning. I just can’t keep saying “Milo’s murderer,” so I’ll call him by his name – “James.” James pled “not guilty,” and I guess we think that’s a ploy – a bargaining chip, as it were. The trial was set for February 2025, with a projected duration of two weeks. To me, a lay person, this seems ridiculous, but the clerk was ordered to set dates and times and no one laughed or so much as cracked a knowing smile. Clearly, a protocol must be followed, and I consider myself a reasonably patient person, but I would not be cut out for this work.

Oh well. A lot can happen between now and February. KW

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