Monday, January 20, 2025



We are having such a mild winter and now have only a few inches of snow and lots of bare ground. We need lots of snow or rain. – Ina Dobson, January 12, 1936

Brrrrr!!! The January cold snap is upon us. It’s cold but dry, and I wonder what sort of summer we’ll have if we don’t get more snow in the mountains.

It’s been nearly a week ago now since we went to the farm to check on things – Tuesday (Jan. 14). It was a lovely sunny day there but cold – 32 and breezy, 40 in the house.

It’s been several years since I’ve had an opportunity to take winter photos, so I was pleased to see the snow, even though it wasn’t deep. Perhaps the effects were actually more interesting than deep drifts would have been, and we had no trouble getting in.

We had three mice in traps, so we re-set those traps and set three more. I checked the pantry cupboard and loaded two crates with food, much of it expired or nearing expiration. I will have to replenish the pantry in the spring, but it’s good to rotate supplies.

While I went out to get my photos, Mike and Bess went for a quick hunt but didn’t find any birds.

Well, it’s not comfortable to sit around in a cold house with no creature comforts, so we left around noon. We stopped at Subway for lunch and were home by 2:30. I had thought it might be a challenge to put the food away, but much of it could be tossed or combined with what was here. It worked out well. KW

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