valley highs have been in the mid-60s with lows just above freezing. I wouldn’t
plant outside yet, but I’m thinking of starting my tomato plants. I read that
it’s recommended to plant squash directly into the soil for better root
development, so I’ll do that.
Mike spent an hour clearing out the bed on the west side of the house. He’s
anxious to spray the graveled areas with a pre-
emergent, so we went to the farm
this morning to get the sprayer.
Farm report:
saw patches of snow here and there, especially where it had drifted or piled
up. Clearly, the snow is melting. The thermometer on the kitchen porch read 38,
but it was warm in the sun. We were comfortable in our sweatshirts. Water was
standing in the low places, such as between the barn and the pond, but
otherwise the ground wasn’t saturated. We’re happy to report that the lane didn’t
wash out and we had no problem driving in.
Rodents abound in the yard – a real infestation, but we only had two mice in traps in the house. This probably just means that they’re avoiding the traps.
found the duck decoy that held the aerator hose on the bank of the pond with
its nose chewed off. And that’s strange. Some animal must have thought it was
real and drug it out of the pond. We have more decoys in the attic if Mike decides
to replace it.
The early daffodils are just poking through the soil.
I see plenty of work in my future, but it’s on hold for another month or six weeks. KW