Sunday, October 21, 2007


Here’s a picture of my sewing room staged with a few of the things I have mentioned – the screen, the old Dritz pattern box, Grandma Portfors’ oak notions box, the shelves my dad made for Aunt Shirley’s doll dishes, and a pretty new box which holds doll patterns. Note Dobbin on top of the sewing cabinet. Also, note the elf on the shelf awaiting his face – and a shirt. An interest I hope to pursue is making dolls, such as rag dolls and sock dolls. I’ve been saving patterns for years. (I think if you click on the picture it will enlarge so that you can see these things.)

To see another view of my sewing area, check the previous entry, "Kathy's Vintage Sewing Room."


  1. Hey! That's pretty cool! The horse's name is Dobbin, huh? I'll have to go back and see if he was referenced before. I took note of him, though. I especially like the bulletin board that you hung. That will be a nice place for cards and things.

  2. Yes, his name is Dobbin. He was at Grandma Portfors' house when I was small. I don't know when he came to be there. He lost one of his wooden rollers, but I found it the other day amongst some sewing stuff and Mike fixed it. Yes, the bulletin board will be handy there. The card on the board is my birthday card from Chris -- the only personal mail ever received at the farm. XO

  3. And here I had been oogling the pictures and didn't even look at the BB--sure enough I recognize that card. :-) I love your room--it's very friendly and old-fashioned and your antiques are perfect--hope it inspires you no end when you return from Denver. I probably won't get an email off to you before you leave, so have a wonderful, safe and fun trip. As usual, I'm about to fall asleep(at the late hour of 8:47!)and am heading for bed.

    P.S.--Hi Hallie from Aunt Chris!

  4. Ha ha! Hi Aunt Chris! ;P I've been enjoying your comments to the blog page. You'll have to make a visit to the farm in person some day, it's a great little retreat!

  5. Good!!! I hoped you would see Aunt Chris' greeting, Hallie. Yes, it would be great if she would come and see our retreat. She did come once and helped me paint the wrought iron bedstead in my room. We decorated it by smearing gold on the filials with our index fingers. Then we sang the theme from "Goldfinger." KW
