Tuesday, October 16, 2007


In one of our woodsy spots on the north end of the property, Mike discovered some seedling fir trees. We carefully dug up five that were crowded or had established themselves in bad spots and transplanted them to the grove near the house. We have high hopes for them there..

Gardening in this place has been discouraging. For whatever reason, something in us just hates to put up a fence – whether it’s the work, the expense, the aesthetics, and/or the difficulties of mowing and maintenance. But it’s becoming abundantly clear to me that without a fence, we just as well not bother to have any sort of garden. Things actually went along pretty well until the first of September. Then the deer munched most of my 13 raspberry plants and 25 strawberry plants. And today as I watered my little garden on the south side of the house, I noticed the deer had eaten the dwarf cherry plants that had done so well this year. I could see their tracks in the dirt. Though I have never seen them close to the house, it is clear that they don’t mind approaching to nibble the plants.


  1. Those pesky deer. Someone should hunt them down and shoot them. The nerve to munch on your garden!

  2. Look at that picture! There's a storm a comin'!

  3. Yes, there's not a lot of interest in this picture, but Mike wanted to share it because of the intensity of the sky. XO
