Friday, December 28, 2007


By pre-arrangement, Clinton came over yesterday morning (Thurs., 12-27). He brought with him new clothes that he needed for weekend activities. I washed, shortened and pressed while he helped Mike set up the TaxTyme operation in a Lewiston office. Then after lunch, he designed a tool pouch out of an old pair of jeans and I stitched as directed. He insisted the end product would be serviceable. I think it’s a good idea that needs refinement. We agreed we have no dearth of worn out jeans; we can try again.

After Clint left, Mike and I ran errands. He is ready to return to more vigorous exercise, i.e. cycling, so we went to the bike shop and bought secondhand pedals broad enough to fit the big sole of his walking shoe / sandal. I have started an old-fashioned “farm” shawl for myself so we stopped by the craft shop for yarn.

What a surprise to find Chris and Dan from Moscow here at the house upon our return! They declined to come in as they still had more stops to make, but we were so glad we hadn’t missed them. Chris left a gift from her workshop / sewing room on our door – a pair of holiday pillowcases (a head start on my collection of holiday linens, she said) and a little tree ornament (a lace angel). While we had an early Christmas celebration, they are having theirs this weekend.

And Ken took Nellie hunting, giving that bundle of energy a needed outlet.

All in all – a great day!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! We had our Thanksmas and Chris and Dan will have a Christyear...or a Newmas.
