Wednesday, December 26, 2007


It’s back to town time after a wonderful Christmas on the farm. Mike and I left Clarkston Thursday morning and drove to the farm. The Magnum was packed full. When I asked if I could take a coffee pot, Mike said no, and I suppose he was right. One more thing might have caused an explosion. Ordinarily we would make several trips in preparation for Christmas, but due to Mike’s foot surgery we stayed in town. We had to take provisions for a four-day stay in the country plus decorations and gifts. After unloading the car, I set up the tree (a pre-lit artificial) and tried to coax the house into looking as though Christmas were coming. Holiday stuffed animals, candles, and holiday throws helped me out. By 5:00 p.m. I was ready to start my baking – Chex mix and festive fruit squares. That’s what “baking” means these days.

Friday evening Hallie and Nick arrived so Saturday morning our holiday games began. We started with Scrabble, then moved to Chinese Checkers in the afternoon and Dominoes in the evening. Somehow I found time to roast the turkey and make a mystery pecan pie. It snowed in earnest during the afternoon.

Sunday both Mike and I were up bright and early. He was in some pain and I had to be sure that Santa’s work was in order. About noon, Clinton arrived with his friend and her little girl. It was snowing again so we enjoyed some time outdoors watching Nellie try to figure out why snowballs disintegrate on impact and doing some sledding. We opened our stockings and gifts late afternoon and Clinton left to return to Lewiston.

Monday morning, Christmas Eve, Hallie and Nick left about 9:00 a.m. for Connell, WA, where his parents live. By that time the county had plowed all the way to our gate. Hallie reported that she had to make two runs at Plank’s hill but had no other problems getting out. When we left during the noon hour we had no problem in the Magnum – again packed full, this time with the remnants of our holiday.

That same morning -- Christmas Eve -- Mike and I spent in preparation to close the house for the winter. I took the tree down while he cleaned the kitchen, gathered laundry, etc. Arriving in town about 1:30, I unpacked boxes and started laundry while Mike washed the filthy car. Our neighbor came over with a gift, a more meaningful gesture than he will ever know since our celebration was over. We also found a gift from the Denver Warnocks at the door and saved opening it until Christmas morning.

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