Saturday, January 5, 2008


Jan. 12, 1936
Before the ‘blazing fire’
Dear Vance,
“The [Readers’] Digest didn’t arrive till after Xmas but it is fine. I’m so tired of all the magazine advertising that that alone makes the Digest a treasure. Don’t you get tired of looking at pictures of blasé men and wanton women, whose only idea is to look ‘smart.'

“The radio is doing good work in its new set up and would do better if I’d get busy and do some soldering on connections. I’ve just been listening to the New York Symphony Orchestra directed by the ‘renowned Englishman Sir Thomas Beecham.’ We heard the Portland Symphony Orchestra under Van Hoogstatten a few nights ago. [A computer search confirmed that the Oregon Symphony was led by Willem Van Hoogstatten from 1925 to 1937.]

“Your holly and candles were a treat and have served more than once. I have about half of the candles left on the mantel. They are such a pretty red. You do think of the nicest things! I suppose that is what is called ‘having an imagination.’ Well, thanks a lot for everything – the card with its message was doubly appreciated.

“We are having such a mild winter and now have only a few inches of snow and lots of bare ground. We need lots of snow or rain."
[The picture above of Ina and her daughter Pearl was taken in 1918 when the house was new. Though I had never seen a fire in the fireplace, it had obviously been well-used. In the remodel process, this fireplace was torn out and a new one built, the chimney lined, and an efficient insert installed. The fireplace and a propane wall furnace in the diningroom are now the main sources of heat. We find it takes a day or two to heat the house once it is cold. If we need heat upstairs, we open the stair door. At the contractor's insistance, each bath and bedroom has a wall heater. Those are costly to run but sometimes necessary.]

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