Saturday, January 5, 2008


From a motorcycling standpoint my foot surgery could hardly have been in a worse spot. The surgery was at the exact spot on the foot used to up shift. With Kathy's help I fashioned a strap-on modification that enables me to ride. It's not the greatest but hopefully it will get me by until I can wear a regular shoe. M/W


  1. Ummmmm....yeah. I'm pretty sure that's dangerous. I'm imagining the tragic headline already.

  2. I'm sure Dr. Alm wouldn't approve either. Speaking of Dr. Alm, at Mike's last appt he pulled the bandage tape off Mike's foot -- quickly as doctors do -- and the bandage took a hunk of skin with it. Pretty painful! Hopefully we'll be back to normal in a couple of weeks and all this marginally safe activity will disappear.
