So glad you’ve inquired about the Bottle Cap Counter, Deb! Allow me to explain…
I recently discovered and became interested in bottle cap art. The idea is that the caps act as the equivalent of “pixels” in a large image. Before you ask, let me tell you that Hallie Warnock is NOT an artist. However, my sweetheart IS an artist and is capable of creating something as novel as bottle cap art. So, until we have enough for his project, I have a new fixation!
Where are you Mr. Bottle Cap? (Tips to Seekers)
Mr. Bottle cap likes to hide where he is hard to find. He’s often squished into a dirt patch or pushed to the side of the road where the gravel collects. He's rarely in the middle of the sidewalk, so look to see if perhaps he's stumbled to the side. It’s not uncommon for him to be near a friend, so if you’ve found Mr. Bottle Cap, be sure to look for his wife! He is most commonly found where there is a lot of foot traffic or where he might tumble out of a trash can (parking lots, alleys, parks, construction areas). And, of course, he's VERY OFTEN found atop bottles!
These caps can be rusty, squished, and bent. They can be fresh off the bottle, shiny, and pretty. There is a place in the world of art for every bottle cap in every walk of life. If you’d like to join in the game, I’ll pay shipping for any donated caps. Donated caps will ALSO make it onto the Cap Counter!
We’ve got a long way to go!
I recently discovered and became interested in bottle cap art. The idea is that the caps act as the equivalent of “pixels” in a large image. Before you ask, let me tell you that Hallie Warnock is NOT an artist. However, my sweetheart IS an artist and is capable of creating something as novel as bottle cap art. So, until we have enough for his project, I have a new fixation!
Where are you Mr. Bottle Cap? (Tips to Seekers)
Mr. Bottle cap likes to hide where he is hard to find. He’s often squished into a dirt patch or pushed to the side of the road where the gravel collects. He's rarely in the middle of the sidewalk, so look to see if perhaps he's stumbled to the side. It’s not uncommon for him to be near a friend, so if you’ve found Mr. Bottle Cap, be sure to look for his wife! He is most commonly found where there is a lot of foot traffic or where he might tumble out of a trash can (parking lots, alleys, parks, construction areas). And, of course, he's VERY OFTEN found atop bottles!
These caps can be rusty, squished, and bent. They can be fresh off the bottle, shiny, and pretty. There is a place in the world of art for every bottle cap in every walk of life. If you’d like to join in the game, I’ll pay shipping for any donated caps. Donated caps will ALSO make it onto the Cap Counter!
We’ve got a long way to go!
Dear Hallie,
I hope you are washing your hands often!!
Aunt Chris, who spends her days in a germ factory and is very suspect of all things found lying (laying???) about!!!
P.S. I left you a message back on the blog with my family photo.
Yes! I was actually going to add a little clause to my blog that you must wash your hands. I actually wash the caps when I get home, too.
If you ever want to do a blog, we can post it on your behalf if you don't want to get a gmail account. BUT, either way, it is great to have your comments!
I am TORMENTED by the difference between laying and lying!
I love your tips on where to find bottle caps, Hallie. And it's good to know that condition is not a factor in acceptibility. I haven't found any to pick up so I hadn't considered the need to wash my hands. But I do practice frequent handwashing and keep hand purifier in the glove compartments of our vehicles. XO
Debbie came over this afternoon and brought Hallie 57 bottle caps and a heart-shaped cookie cutter. I'll mail the bottle caps soon, Hallie. We had a nice visit. XO
Kathy that cutter is for you unless you are donating it to Hallie!!! HA-HA-HA!!!
Forgot to add: You lay something (or yourself) down then it is lying. LOL! Unless you are telling someone a lie, they YOU are lying!
Yes, I thought the cutter was for me, but I did think that Hallie could have it if she's ready to start her cookie cutter collection. Hallie is a minimalist, though, so she might prefer that I keep the cutter. At any rate, it's fun to say "57 bottle caps and a cookie cutter."
I actually have another cutter just like the one I gave you that I will donate to the cause if Hallie wants it! I also have asked a friend to save me Czech beer bottle caps. A few years ago she sent me a few.
Ha ha! Well, you are right about me being a minimalist. Unfortunately, there is not enough room in my tiny studio for many cookie cutters. Better put it in the hope chest (i.e. I hope I have enough room for a mixer and cookie cutters someday).
Ooh, the Czech bottle caps will be neat! Niko will be impressed with those for sure! Thank you for partaking in my fixation. :)
Hallie -- Are you going to post the 57 caps in the cap counter? I hate to see the frowny face on Thursday when actually you are 57 caps to the good. XO
Just wasn't sure if I should post when they arrive. Your house is as good as my house, though. I'll post now!
I found one rusty Budweiser cap on our neighborhood walk yesterday. KW
LJ bought a case of Mexican beers at Costco over the weekend so saving the caps for you Hallie!
That's funny about the Mexican beers. Nick and I bought two cases of Mexico Coca Cola at Costco (Mexi-Cola). I guess they must have some distribution channel.
Thanks to LJ for his efforts! Cheers!
I'd love some of that Coke! The stuff made in Mexico is still made with sugar instead of that nasty high fructose corn syrup. I wonder if they have any at our Costco? LOL!
Funny thing about the Mexico Coke, it doesn't have quite the kick as the US stuff. Must be less carbonated. Let me know if you don't find it at your Costco. I'd be happy to pick a case up and bring it home in the summer for your enjoyment!
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