Friday, July 24, 2009


I expected we would sleep in on Wednesday, but that didn't happen. We were up fairly early and after breakfast Mike called to confirm various dates to meet friends – Art and Barbara for dinner, Richard tomorrow. Then we went out in the car to see if Mike could find his bearings and get a quart of oil for the car. Now this might amaze you – we took our cell phone and we had it on.

When we happened upon Advance Auto Parts, Mike stopped and went in while I waited in the car. The cell phone rang – I answered. "Mike please," spoke a businesslike male voice. I asked who was calling. "This is Leroy Jones calling from General Hardware in [whatever], Utah. I'm calling him about an order . . . no, it's Johnny." Johnny was one of Mike's best friends growing up, and in recent years they had lost touch. Johnny suggested I have Mike call, but instead I carried the phone into the store. Mike was standing at the counter in the process of making his purchase. I handed him the phone and took his place at the counter, finishing the transaction with cash.

Mike and Johnny arranged to meet for lunch. Johnny and Anita picked us up at our motel and we went to lunch at a restaurant in a building converted from a sawmill, as I understand it. Apparently Mike had worked at that sawmill once upon a time. Then we toured Moss Point and they showed us their house on the water, new since we were here ten years ago. They told us how they weathered Katrina. Then Johnny took Mike, Nellie, and me to tour his farm, about 10 miles out. Nellie enjoyed a good run with the ATVs, then cooled herself in the pond.

The photos on this post were taken at Johnny's farm. KW

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