Friday, July 24, 2009


I am one who does not experience sweet dreams. I have recurring bad dreams, and one of them is the "you-can't-get-there-from-here" dream. Often I'm at a hotel or large building with many hallways. I have with me my mother and a baby in a stroller, sometimes my sister – as Mike once observed: everyone for whom I have felt responsible. I can't find the solution – can't find the way out.

To continue my saga – Mike's terrible day became my worst nightmare. When the Super 8 in Pascagoula said they had no record of our reservation, they were doing us a favor, I had no doubt. The clerk referred us to the Super 8 Motel in Moss Point, and that meant back tracking. It was late and we were very tired, but we managed. Mike checked it out but opted to look into the La Quinta Inn nearby before making a firm decision.

The La Quinta Inn – nearby and yet so far. We could not figure out how to get there. It was late and dark. We could see the La Quinta to our left, but that first left turn was an interstate ramp. Fortunately Mississippi knows that people make mistakes and plans for that eventuality (so says Richard). We were able to turn back into town immediately. Avoiding the onramp, we took the next left turn, only to discover we hadn't gone far enough to access the La Quinta. (And remember – we don't know whether the La Quinta will be appropriate for us at this point.) Mike was getting really frustrated. "Do not get back on this ramp!" I shouted, and he swerved back into the street. Back around the loop we went. "Do not get into that left turn bay," I screamed; "you've got to go down there." I couldn't help myself. I just started laughing. We finally entered a left-turn bay and cautiously crossed the highway. We couldn't see the Frontage Road opening – just had to trust that it was there. Finally! – We had found the way in.

Once here, we discovered a rather nice place – pet-friendly and fenced, rather quiet despite its location near the freeway. I connected to wi-fi immediately. It was after 11:00 when we drove down the street for a light supper at the Waffle House. All three of us were happy to get to bed. KW


  1. Funny that your worst nightmare is basically our trips to Portland. I dreamed last night that Lance Armstrong died. Turns out that his low, athletic heart beat while asleep gave the impression of death. He woke up and got back to riding. Yes, I've been watching a lot of the Tour.

  2. Good for you, Hallie -- watching the tour. Mike has followed the Tour via the sports page/news.

    My nightmare might also be located at a school or university. Same dream -- I can't find my way to class or out of the complex. XO
