Sunday, August 23, 2009


It's like the Christmas of summertime in farmland -- harvest. It's exciting -- the fulfillment of the planting, protecting, maintaining, and watching. I'm so glad I'm here to watch -- except for the dust, of course. I took all of these photos from the front porch.

Dustin came in first with the pick-up and played fetch with Nellie for a few minutes.

Here comes the parade -- two combines and a semi -- as farmer Kyle brings his operation to this homestead -- down Dobson Road to the lane.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the lane and property line, the Praest brothers are also harvesting wheat. We own both properties and currently lease to two separate operations.

Farmer Kyle waited politely in the lane for the Praest boys to pass in their field . . .

but seeing the close proximity of the Praest combines, Farmer Kyle pulled into this north field and cut a swath on his way to the south field where he will begin in earnest. By the way, Farmer Kyle also waited politely while I hurriedly took the clothes off the line. My clothesline is just a few yards from the field.

Farmer Kyle, at not yet 30, farms most of the acreage on this end of Russell Ridge. His father passed away rather suddenly two years ago, just as they were expanding their farming operation. But Kyle stepped up to it and we think he's great!

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