Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Geocaches have two ratings to let you know what you’re getting into. There is a Difficulty rating of 1-5 which is mostly subjective but there is a form to complete to help you pick a rating. Then there is a 1-5 Terrain rating which also has a form. This one is a little more objective but there is still a considerable amount of subjectivity if, for no other reason, because all kinds of individuals are making the decisions. Anyway, a 5 Terrain rating means you will probably need special equipment such as a rope, climbing gear or a boat.

One of my friends, Justin Moss (Mossman) placed a 5-5 cache recently. It is a weighted ammo box (he didn’t disclose this in the description) anchored in the Snake River in Lewiston. I had been wanting to get this one for quite a while and was all set to give it a try the day Duke jumped off the bridge and altered our plans.

At any rate, today seemed perfect, river fairly low and clear, hot weather (over 100) and a sunny day which really helps seeing under water. The cache is not far from the bank so I didn’t use a boat. I also eschewed using a snorkel as other players had done. (I don’t need no stinkin snorkel).

So Kathy and Nellie accompanied me down to the river a little after 2:00 this afternoon and the action began. I must have been in the water at least a half hour and in spite of the hot day I was beginning to get really cold. I simply could not see anything but big rocks which make up the levy. I did see a few fish. I was sure wishing I could teach Nellie to dive. Finally I decided I’d try one more dive a little further out and behold, I saw a shinny chain on the bottom amongst the rocks. I knew the cache was attached to its anchor with a carabineer so I had a jug with a line to attach to the anchor so I would be able to replace it after getting it out. I also had a maul handle with a bicycle hanger hook in the end to help me hold onto the chain while I was getting the cache loose. It was much more difficult than I thought and finally I had to have Kathy throw me a rope from the bank to tie onto the handle. After I finally got it loose I had to pull it out. The bottom 2/3rds of the box had been filled with lead and rocks were glued all over the box which effectively camouflaged it. It was really heavy but I was able to reach the bottom by getting the end of the chain and pulling it in. If the river had been higher I would have had to have a boat and some help pulling it up. I was very glad to check this one off my list. M/W


  1. The harder the cache the better, right Dad? Mossman must be a kindred spirit.

  2. I have a great idea for a geocache location, but I'm a little worried about clogging the toilet.

  3. I think I'll pass on that one, Murray.

  4. You've got Doug excited to do some geocaching with you in Seattle, Dad!
