Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hallie Warnock and Nicholas Johnson, both of Seattle, will exchange marriage vows Aug. 29 at Seattle.

She is employed at Kibble and Prentice at Seattle, and is the daughter of Kathy and Mike Warnock of Clarkston. She graduated from Lewiston High School in 2000 and from the University of Idaho at Moscow in 2003.

He is employed at Moss Adams at Seattle, and is the son of Toni Johnson of Connell, Wash., and Duane Johnson of Mesa, Wash. He graduated from Connell High School in 1998 and from the Art Institute of Seattle in 2000.

[The above announcement appeared in the Lewiston Tribune on Sunday, August 16, 2009.]


  1. I enjoyed seeing the announcement in the paper, but this is even better in color! :-)

  2. Well, you know how it is -- the almighty dollar rules. The Lewiston Tribune now charges for wedding and engagement announcements -- $9.00 per column inch and $25.00 per color photo. And since we're so close to the wedding, I advised Hallie to save the $25.00. I would definitely do a color photo for the wedding write-up, though. I'm looking to do that in old-time style with the extra description. We'll see . . .

    Seems like a lot of newlyweds are opting to by-pass the Trib, though. What's your observation on that?

  3. Mercy me! I had no idea they charged now. What is the world coming to? No wonder people don't get the paper any more (or is that why they charge now??) I have google for my homepage on the internet and read news stories there. I notice many of them in the LMT, but often it's days later. Word for word. If it wasn't for the local news and a few of the comics, I'd drop it in a heartbeat.

    And my observation would be that most people who know the couple know about the engagement and the wedding, so if it doesn't make the paper, it's no big deal--it can all be on a blog or email, complete with many pictures, and be as personal as one chooses! :-) Save the bucks and go out to dinner, or buy another place setting of dishes, or well, you get it.

  4. Well, when you put it that way -- all the things we can do with those same dollars -- the charge does seem a little steep. Still, when the only daughter gets married, we think about a photo in the local paper.

    I remember my sister, Nina, back in 1980 or so, dropped her subscription to the Lewiston Tribune. "It's too much to pay for 'Dear Abby' and the comics," was her comment. What you said, Chris, made me think of that.

  5. Please don't think I was saying for you not to put Hallie and Nick's wedding photo and write-up in the paper. My observation was aimed at your comment as to why a lot of newlyweds are opting to by-pass the Tribune. Matt and Amy's wedding was written up, complete with photo (free in those days!) and Ann and Eric's wasn't for some reason (probably me not getting it done!), but both are still married. As a matter of fact, today is Matt and Amy's 14th anniversary!!! Yikes, the years are speeding by!

  6. I understand that papers are struggling, but I believe certain items bring value to the paper and make it a desired commodity. I think it's more reasonable to say, a black and white photo with a generic write-up is free, and if you want to upgrade, the cost is X.

    Actually, I think I could have gotten 2 place settings. ;)

  7. You mean -- like they do the death notices? "John Brown died Thursday at the nursing home. Funeral services are pending . . ." Then if the family wants an obituary, they have to write and pay for it. "Hallie Warnock and Nick Johnson of Seattle will marry Saturday, August 29, at Seattle. The bride-elect is formerly of Lewiston." I like it because I think the local paper has an obligation to the public to provide news of record.

    14 years! Where has the time gone?

  8. Well, I was thinking more that what we put in there would be the "standard" form and then you could upgrade on the color and content.

  9. Aunt Hallie- My parents are letting me out of my cage for the wedding!

  10. Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites

  11. I was Googling my daughter, Hallie Warnock, and came up with this site. Yes, there is another Hallie Warnock. Amazing.
    We are in Dallas, and Fort Stockton, Texas.

  12. Hi Kirby! Yes, I discovered your Hallie several years ago when I googled our Hallie's name. And I was a little surprised. You just don't see many "Hallies," Warnock or not.

    My husband, Mike Warnock, is from Arkansas.

    Thanks for leaving a comment.

  13. Rather amazing on both counts.
    My family came from Fort Stockton, TX, but my great, great grandfather was Henry Clay Warnock from Tennessee. I THINK that there is a Dodson (Dotson?) Warnock in our family tree. He came from South Carolina.
    I am certain we are related in some manner.

  14. Hi Kirby,

    My ggg grandfather was John who emigrated from N Ireland in 1775 and settled in SC. My line from him is Robert Love, Wm Henry, Wm Samuel and Wm Murray. The last 4 generations, including me, were born in Ouachita County, AR.

    Incidentally, I have another connection with your area in that I am an SMU alumni.
