Clint came up for a visit during spring break and we had a good time. He is in the process of building a go-cart from an old riding lawn mower that is surplus on the farm. On an earlier trip he took the transaxle and has already rebuilt it. So Thursday we made a trip to the farm to get the rest of the mower. We hadn’t been up since just after the first of the year so I was eager to see how things were. The first thing I noticed as we turned up the drive was water running down the road. Not quite half way up the ¼ mile drive the field had sloughed off into the ditch effectively clogging it and sending the water down the road instead of in the ditch. Other than that things were in pretty good shape. We found a dead mouse in the spring trap and two live ones in the live trap. We took the live ones out in the yard and let them loose so Nellie could show off her mousing skills. We got the house dewinterized which mostly consisted of installing the shower and tub faucets and turning the water back on along with lighting the pilot on the wall furnace. Next I had to install the battery in the 4 wheeler to get it going so we could take it back to town where I prefer to do the annual maintenance. Clint got started on digging out the ditch and I helped finish up after I got the 4 wheeler going. We got the lawn mower loaded in the back of the truck and the 4 wheeler on the trailer and headed back to town about mid day.
We spent most of the afternoon doing the annual maintenance on the wheels of my road bike. I had alread
y done the drive train and brakes. Clint stayed for supper to round off a good day.
I had to work most of Friday but after work we got in a 15 mile mountain bike ride. In spite of the climbing we did I about froze. A good part of the way we were riding into a cutting head wind that
really got me chilled. If I had just taken my windbreaker it would have been alright. Clint stayed for supper that night as well.
The next morning Clint brought his dirt bike over and we made a 48 mile trip up Asotin creek and ba
ck down the Cloverland grade logging seven geocaches along the way. It was a fun trip and Clint was digging out those caches just like an old pro. Later in the summer I hope we can make a similar trip over in the Blue Mountains where I can continue to take advantage of his skills. M/W
Looks like you and Clinton had a good time!
It's always a good time for Mike when one of the sons (or a daughter) joins him for an outing. I like the photos of Clint.
Don't you have an advantage...geocaching in the winter/spring? When there isn't snow covering everything, of course. Without vegetation you have an edge, I'd think. But it's more fun, I'm sure, when you have to dig through weeds, leaves and undergrowth to find your prize.
Sounds like you guys had a good time.
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