Saturday, April 6, 2013


We arose early (2:30 a.m.) on Thursday, March 28, to begin "Mike and Kathy's Great Eastern U.S. Geocaching Expedition." Oh! You didn't know it was about geocaching? Where have you been? Our travel goals were to visit son Murray in Philadelphia and Mike's mother in Memphis, but in between Mike planned a driving route by geocaches. We actually travelled by geocache coordinates.

We arrived at the Philadelphia airport about 4:30 p.m. EDT. We gathered our luggage and then caught a bus to the Enterprise car rental office at the airport. "This car will be FINE for you," said the rep, apparently noting the dubious look in my eyes as he showed us a small Mazda3 sedan. This little car with New York tags would be ours for the next week. We got in, connected Mike's GPS and the Garmin "Nuvi," entered son Murray's address, and headed off into Philly. Murray met us at the door to the garage under his building and directed us to his parking space.

Fast forward to Monday morning (April 1). We used the car very little in Philly because parking is scarce, so Monday was our first day on the road in the Mazda. Since Mike's name was on the bottom line, he was the "designated" driver, and I was the navigator. Sometimes the driver was testy with the navigator, and then I would promise myself that there would be a new Apple gizmo in my future.

"vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv," hummed Mazda as we traveled along. When we came to an incline, she complained a little about being asked to work. "Mpf -- vvvvVVVVVVvvVVV." She didn't have instant get up and go, but she got 33 to 36 miles per gallon, so we forgave her.

Tuesday we stopped in Anderson, SC, where Mike had scheduled some time for genealogy research. His ancestors settled here in the late 18th century, and we wanted to visit the courthouse. We suspected we wanted the courthouse annex, but we had passed it and couldn't find it again. Of course, frustration entered in and made the search more difficult.

"Vpft --- vvvVVVVVV," said Mazda under the direction of heavy boots. We passed the "real" courthouse and decided to stop there, but we couldn't find a parking spot. We made a u-turn in a parking lot and Mazda hurried back out to the street, her intense "VVVVVVVV" seeming to echo the frustration of the driver.

Heading back toward the courthouse, Mike stopped at a red light and signaled a right turn. "You can't turn right here," I screeched, noting the one way sign. "Mpft --- vvVVVVVVVVV," and we hurried down the street and around the next corner to the courthouse parking lot where we found no parking for the public.

Eventually we did find a parking place, and I promised myself that I would find that Apple gizmo someplace. No lesser gizmo for me. I would have the real gizmo.

But the courthouse was the wrong place. We needed the annex after all, and the security personnel were nice enough to give us directions. A delightful afternoon in Anderson unfolded.

"Have you noticed," asked Mike, "that this car seems to hesitate two seconds before responding?"

Oh yeah. I noticed. KW


  1. Oh, you have me giggling again and I can't stop!! Mpf Vvv mpf vvvmmph!! That's me, trying to stiffle my giggles... :-)

    Looking forward to the next installment!!

  2. I'm interested to know what you found in your research. I've never looked anything up at a courthouse before.

  3. Hmmmm. Some angel came by and put pictures on this post.

    I started writing the next installment but decided I should consult Mike first. It's really his story.

    Goin' home today -- or rather tonight. Not looking forward to the night part. The plane leaves Little Rock at 8:00 p.m. and arrives Spokane at 11:30 with connection in Denver. I'm sure we'll drive on home.

    And Chris, I found a new embroidery project to show you.
