Thursday, April 4, 2013


Tried to post from my iPad  yesterday but was unsuccessful. Here's another try. 

Mike and I are traveling from geocache to geocache, an interesting experience. As I write, we're in Georgia. It commenced to rain yesterday afternoon -- one of those "frog stranglers" such as they have in the south. And it was a rainy night in Georgia. It's still raining.

Time for breakfast -- then it's back on the road. Memphis here we come. More later . . . 


  1. It worked! A real gully washer, eh? Hope you're staying dry!

  2. We hope your trip is fun and safe always. Love You.

  3. Good work! I've been checking so I'm glad to hear from you. Hope you're having a wonderful time!

  4. It was fun to find the comments this morning. We arrived in Memphis about 4:00 yesterday (April 4). Returned the Mazda to Enterprise and collapsed here at Max and Carol's (Mike's sister). This morning (Friday) Mike and Max have gone off to the gym to get exercise out of the way for the day. We plan to visit Mother Bennie this morning. I'm doing our laundry. Writing from the computer -- no WiFi here at the house. Max said he'd take me to the office, but that seems kinda silly. More later . . .

  5. I miss a couple of days checking and you two are close to the "backyard". Please say hello to Carol for me (if she can remember that far back). Bennie, too!

  6. We didn't spend time anyplace, Richard. Just kept driving. We realized that if we got far enough east to visit Murray, we should also see Bennie.

    I gave your message to Carol. Mike says to tell you Bennie barely remembers him. She is gracious to me but doesn't know me.

  7. I understood that was the case. Perhaps amazingly, there are still quite a number of people in Moss Point that recall her well. Of course, most of them have birthdays that begin with 8's or 9's.
    The women's circle at the Methodist Church is still the Bennie Warnock Circle. A nice was to be remembered. She's like that.
