Monday, July 22, 2013


We went to town Friday but didn’t stay long. We came back yesterday (Sunday, July 21). Even though the high was 95 here, it’s still cooler than town – more comfortable for man and dogs. We often have a nice breeze, and ordinarily evenings and mornings are cool.
The hummingbirds had totally drained the two feeders while we were gone. I quickly made more nectar and re-filled, but they were slow to visit. The bees are here, so I thought the hummingbirds might have moved on. But in the evening coolness, they began to visit the feeders again.

It is hot, though, and my friends with fur coats notice it, so we have to exercise in the morning. In fact, Nellie insists on it. So this morning I put on my visor, gathered my phone, the camera, and a small shovel, and off we went. We invited Bess, but she had to think about it. At the top of the lane, I looked back and she was stretched out in the yard. The next time I looked back, she was coming.

Midway the lane, Nellie went on point in the ditch on June’s side. A beautiful rooster pheasant then silently moved up the bank, through the tall grass and disappeared into the garbs. I saw him, Nellie didn’t, but she continued to scent his presence down to the corner.

At the corner, I paused to inspect the black hawthorn and serviceberry trees. I made a batch of serviceberry jelly last year -- really quite tasty. Some prefer it to elderberry. I’ve never made jelly with the “haws,” which evidently don’t have a lot of flavor. These trees attract birds, bees and other wildlife.

Coming out of my reverie, I looked up the road and saw the dogs waiting for me – obviously wondering if I was coming or would order them “back.” Nellie enjoys walking to the mailbox but apparently that's too far for Bess. I decided the top of Plank’s Pitch would be far enough. Then we went back. It was 8:45 when we arrived at the house – already 75 outside and time to close windows.
I picked six cups of raspberries yesterday and another two cups or so this morning. The produce ripens so quickly in this heat, but the raspberries will soon be finsihed, and that’s a good thing. Our day-neutral strawberries are coming on again. I’m still picking peas – two varieties – and the beans planted two weeks ago are up and growing. This morning I picked a lot of leaf lettuce and two beets. We’ll have the beets for supper. KW

[Photos: 1) A view of Central Ridge and the Camas Prairie with garbanzos in the foreground. 2) Close-up of garbs. 3) Nellie knows about the pheasant even though she didn't see it. 4) Hawthorn berries. 5) The house from the lane.]


  1. Ooh! Do you think we can sample some garbs? Are they ready?

  2. The pods have formed but the bean has not developed. Come back in October.

    And then we'll have to do some research. Do the beans need to be dried before one uses them?

  3. I love the panoramic picture at the beginning! It's gorgeous.

    Sounds like this is a good garden year for you. We actually have some zucchini blossoms so I'm hopeful here, too.

    Stay cool--it's supposed to be HOT today!
