Thursday, July 25, 2013


We were awakened out of an almost sound sleep at 2:30. Bess was barking at Nellie. I acted as referee. Nellie moved off to her “corner” in the woodshed while Bess was gently pushed into hers – her crate – and locked in. It’s night. The rule is that everyone sleeps or thoughtfully stays quiet. (Coyotes seem to think the rule doesn’t apply to them.)

I reasoned that if dogs have energy to argue in the middle of the night, perhaps more exercise is in order. I resolved to get them out earlier for the two-mile (round trip) walk to the mailbox. It should be doable for all three of us. Nellie needs the sense of routine, and Bess needs to expend energy.

So, once I’m up and around, I offer breakfast to my friends, which feels like a dance at the kitchen door:

“Nellie, you come in. No, not you Bess - you stay out. Nellie, come back in here.” Once Nellie is in and Bess is out, Nellie gets a small portion of senior food while Bess gets a cup of puppy chow. Unless we separate them at chow time, they eat one another’s food and we don’t know which dog ate what, who might be hungry, and who's getting fat. Finally I wised up. Give Bess her food, then take Nellie in the house for hers.
Once I'm dressed, we head out. In the morning cool, Bess doesn’t balk. I carry my cell phone and a camera. See that thimbleberry patch over there? That’s on the backside of the north field near the draw. Nick and Hallie will be here this weekend. Perhaps we’ll check it out and maybe we’ll pick along Gilbert Grade.

Nellie has taken to exploring in the trees above the road at the draw, so I walk on. One morning I surprised Mr. and Mrs. “Hun” Partridge and their large brood of ten or so. I was really grateful the dogs were occupied behind me, giving the parents time to settle the family some distance off. But, when Nellie caught their scent, she immediately went on point. These pictures show a beautiful "classic point" as performed by Nellie. (Note clueless Bess.) 
Bess, now 12 weeks old, travels right along with us to the mailbox but doesn’t half take it seriously. Nellie has come to revere this walk as a sacred privilege, but this young upstart of a Bess thinks it's a lark.

Nellie, a creature of habit, still thinks we should take a walk before supper, so I have indulged her even though late afternoon temps are above 90. Bess opts out, having no interest in walking in the heat. Nellie and I have agreed, though, that a walk down the lane and back is just enough.

Below is a picture of the old barn out at the corner, a little more dilapidated every year. I predict it will be gone one of these days. KW


  1. That is a VERY funny photo of Nellie pointing and Bess fooling around. I can't wait to be there! I'm hoping we can get a good start tomorrow since my iPad now enables me to continue working while passenger in the car.

  2. Woohoo! A fun weekend together! And Hallie, I'm impressed that you can work while in the car!

    Kathy, I think you were very brave to get up to check out barking dogs in the middle of the night!! And don't we wonder what Nellie was thinking while she did a perfect point while Bess was oblivious?
