It was a good time with my two friends here at the farm. I'm not sure Nellie realized that Mike had left on his motorcycle. He did not make a point of telling her good-bye. She did know that we had come to the farm without him, of course. Perhaps the fact that we traveled helped her accept the situation. At any rate, she seemed happy enough. Both dogs ate well and exercised. But yesterday I sensed that Nellie was wondering a little about this arrangement that didn't include Mike.
"Mike is coming tomorrow," I told her.. She looked at me and went upstairs to check out the bedrooms for anyone that might have escaped her notice -- maybe Jack, maybe Hallie or maybe Mike.
And at 8:20 Mike called from the town house to say he would be leaving shortly (on his Yamaha 250XT). So, I calculated the earliest he could be here and went out on the kitchen porch to wait. I wasn't going to chance missing Nellie's reaction.
"Mike will be here soon," I told her. She perked up her ears and stood beside my chair.
Nellie stood beside me. We were both listening. We heard bees and hummingbirds but no motorcycle.
Bess changed positions and slept on.
Nellie became impatient with the wait and dropped to her position of passive complaint with a heavy sigh . . .
while sleepy Bess slept on.
"Maybe I don't understand," Nellie said and moved off the porch.
Bess was clueless.
Such a happy homecoming!
Little Bess has yet to learn the significance. Just wait 'til she figures out she's really Mike's dog. KW
1 comment:
I read this aloud to Nick who is now driving as we twist and turn on our travel up the Clearwater. "Is Nellie YOUR dog?" He asked? I pondered the question, knowing the answer was no. "Noooo....really, I belong to Nellie. You see, Nellie is Dad's and I'm Nellie's."
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