Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It was 9:30 Monday morning (Nov. 25) and Mike was preparing for a hunt.

"I might be out for some time today," he announced. "I'm going to stay out there until I get some birds." He loaded his gun, his snacks, and the dogs in the back of the Dakota -- and left.

So, I got my hair cut, ran some errands, and then settled in for some serious embroidery work in the sewing studio while the house was quiet. 

He was right about being out for some time. He didn't return until about 3:30. They had hunted hard and it had paid off. And then he asked me to take the annual hunt photos. 

Bess had no clue what the hunt photo was all about, this being her first experience. Nellie knows this drill but was really tired and not too interested. All she wanted was her chow, thank you very much, and then she'd settle down for a long nap.

I was supposed to wait until everyone was settled and posed and then take the pictures, but I decided to have some fun with it. It isn't every year you have a sedate old dog and a wriggly pup in your hunt photo. The old hunter loves both of those dogs -- the "old pro" and the young 'un full of exuberance and energy. KW

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