been lovely but cool at Gilbert – blue sky with billowy white clouds, a warm
sun, and a cool breeze. We could use some rain.
came back to the farm on Monday (June 9), bringing with us our friend Pepper,
Ken’s dog. She is in our care while her master travels.
has grown into a huge Shorthair. At 71 pounds, she’s one BIG girl! She seems to
have a loving nature, but gentle she is not. Just three months older than Bess,
the two of them share the fun-loving exuberance of young dogs. Queen Bess and
Pepper mix it up pretty good when they want to, but feisty little Bess is not
cowed by the big dog. Nellie, perhaps feeling older than all of us, stays out
of the fray.
Kyle came in Monday morning and asked Mike to mow the grass at the curved edge
of the field near the pond. Not one to let grass grow under his feet, so to
speak, Mike completed that assignment before lunch.
said that Pepper sleeps in the laundry room at home, and somehow Mike thought
that would transfer readily to the laundry room here. WRONG! Ensconced with the
old clunker the first night, Pepper set to whining and barking, and Bess,
thinking we had an interloper, came out from her sleeping quarters in the shed
to bark in answer. Human intervention was necessary. Mike showed Bess that the
“mystery dog” was just Pepper, and to my amazement, that worked. Bess went
quietly back to bed. Pepper was then moved to the sun porch where she cried for
two hours, but I just inserted my ear buds and let my iPod tell me stories. I
was asleep in no time.
tell you what, though – it took two days, but those dogs are tired – all three
of them. While Bess and Nell have treated our guest (Pepper) with some canine
deference, they still hang together like best friends.
to tell,” says Nellie. “You’re still here.”
been making doll clothes, and Mike has a leather project. My zucchini has
sprouted, and tonight we’ll have a baby spinach salad from our garden. Our entrée
is grilled salmon roast, a gift from Ken and for dessert marshmallow rhubarb
pudding cake.
I sometimes hear the hummingbirds, but we don't have the feeder out in our pathetic yard. When we map out our landscape plan, I hope to have a place for a honeysuckle and maybe even a fuscia. The hummingbirds really like both of those.
Hmmm. I don't know if honeysuckle would grow here. For sure fuscia won't. But -- we have hollyhocks. They like the hollyhocks.
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