We are feeding the little birds on the front porch.
They are so cute. Two native pheasants
come every day or so and feed in the service bushes on the buds. A band of 11
chinks are wintering here, too. It is so beautiful! A picture wherever
you look!
Ina Dobson, February 16, 1936
trouble with making jams and jellies from native berries is that concise
recipes are difficult to come by. Things have changed a bit since Grandma’s day,
and while online advice might be helpful, it isn’t always reliable. There just
aren’t many of us making jams and jellies from native berries, such as service, elder,
and hawthorn, and the process boils down to experimentation.
Serviceberry bush / tree |
read that serviceberries have a lot of natural pectin and thus the
recommendation was to use powdered pectin sparingly. Proceeding on that basis, I ended
up with syrup. I thought about recooking, but I’d rather sew. So okay – syrup
it is. It was great on my French toast.
read that those who pick serviceberries enjoy eating them like blueberries. Hmmm.
They seem quite seedy to me. Nellie and Bess, however, just love to eat them
off the ground. They have been great berrying companions.
something comforting about jelly-making, even though I often think it’s useless.
With the exception of elderberry, we use very little. But – since my parents
made jams and jellies, the activity has nostalgic appeal. I didn’t think I was
paying much attention, but I remember things. Mother strained her cooked fruit through
a jelly bag which she hung from the clothesline in the basement so that it could
drip into a stock pot carefully positioned on a stool. I remember her saying, “Squeezing
the bag will cloud the jelly, but as it hangs, I just touch it and that starts
it dripping again.” I’ll bet she never thought I’d remember that. (I’m a little
surprised myself.)
Orofino, Idaho, from the Gilbert Grade, 7-18-2014 |
always thought that by the time I got to be – okay, 65 – I would be good at
things. Instead, I’m still a learner. Some things work; some things don’t.
Sometimes I know why; sometimes I don’t.
I hear the hummingbirds squeaking, which could mean the feeders are about
empty. I’ll make some fresh nectar. That’s something I can do. (But don’t cut
back on the sugar. They take exception to that.) KW
[I know -- it's strange to illustrate a summer post with a winter caption, but it indicates that my grandmother had a serviceberry bush in the yard. I would love that! And an elderberry bush, too.
With the exception of the picture of Orofino and the quilt top, the others were taken on today's morning walk.]
That quilt is so cute! Hope you're having fun with it.
You're the second person I know whose elderberry jelly didn't set. The other one lives in Arkansas. Must be world-wide! Or at least continent wide.
Yes, I AM having fun with the Halloween Masquerade quilt. It's sandwiched and laying on Hallie's bed upstairs. I have a list of supplies to get at Jo-Ann and Amazon. And I'm waiting for cooler weather to begin the handwork I want to do.
It was the service berry that didn't set -- too soon for elderberries. We're probably all reading the same blog that said we should use pectin sparingly.
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