Monday, April 20, 2015


(This post is about Saturday. Evidently I’ve confused my family by being a day or so behind. Mike is home and well.)

It’s time for the master to return. Bess does as she pleases, ignores me, usurps my leadership, and stays well ahead of me on the walks. I probably shouldn’t think like this, but if something happened to Mike, I would have to keep Nellie for the rest of her days, but as much as I love Bess, I’d have to find her a good home. She needs more than I can give.

After the morning walk – a turn around the neighborhood determined by Bess – I went to Walmart for groceries and supplies, then set about my Saturday chores. I also vacuumed my little studio and returned the sewing machine to its regular spot.

The dogs began to beg for the afternoon walk about 1:00, but I suggested we wait until Mike got home. It’s always fun to see their reaction when he comes in, but it was not to be. By 3:00 they were insistent.

“Don’t you want to wait for Mike?” I asked.
“Mike Who?” they responded in unison.

So we headed for our customary afternoon walk, Bess leading the way and refusing to come when called. (But she is kinda cute as she sashays hurriedly on her way, and that’s how we spoil kids and dogs.)

As we returned and were in sight of the house, Bess spied Mike walking toward us – so fun to watch.
First she saw him – “Who is that?”
Tail began to wag slowly – “Maybe it’s Mike.”
Tail wags faster -- “I think it’s Mike.”
Whole body wriggles – “It is! It IS Mike!”
And she took off to greet him enthusiastically. And that’s why people have dogs.

And Nellie? Nellie tends to dawdle along, sniffing the ground, and Mike’s presence didn’t capture her attention until some moments later. Once she saw him, she hurried to say hello, more sedately than Bess.

Then the work commenced. I had to laugh because in Friday night’s conversation, Mike told me he was so tired that he would put off cleaning his bike until Sunday. “No you won’t,” I said to myself. And sure enough, once he had unpacked, he said, “Well, it’s only 5:00. I just as well clean my bike.”

Of course, supper was really late. I fixed chukar cacciatore in the new Instant Pot, and being unfamiliar with the process, it took longer than I expected. Nevertheless, it was ready when Mike had finished his work and taken his shower.

And that’s it. The week had highs and lows for both Mike and me, and I’m glad it’s over. This next week is scheduled – recovery and cleaning on Monday, P.E.O. luncheon on Tuesday, trip to Boise Wednesday and Thursday, new appliances on Friday. KW


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops, had to clarify something, so I'm doing this again. :-)

    As you said, a week of highs and lows, but you made it through! That's what I always think when Dan returns after being gone. It's fun to have fewer responsibilities (as I tell Dan, I only cook for him), but after a little time alone, it's, well, lonely! Of course, I don't have the doggies...
