Sunday, April 19, 2015


Nellie came right out of her house this morning and trotted up to the back door as if yesterday never happened. She even joined Bess in begging me to get dressed so we could go for the walk. It was good to see she felt better. We walked the gulley again, and then I left them for a while to visit a friend. (Sometimes I just have to talk to someone who speaks my native tongue.)

Did you know that dogs can tell time? Nellie and Bess can. About 2:00, as I was stitching at my machine, I could hear them stirring. It was decided that Bess should approach me to request the afternoon walk, which she did with some temerity. “Em-em-em-em-aroooo?” she asked softly, her eyes full of entreaty, as Nellie watched from the kitchen, her ears lifted.

“We can’t go now,” I said. “We have to wait for the bus to go by. And besides, I’m busy.” So, they settled back down to wait.

Of course, we did take that walk. It was warm -- 79 degrees. I remembered to wet them down, but Nellie suffered in the heat anyway. Bess wanted to walk further, but I told her we had to take Nellie home.

Two gifts were delivered today: Sewing Vintage Style (2003) by Mary Jo Hiney and Dozens of Ways to Repurpose a Tea Towel (2010) by Nathalie Mornu. Repurposing textiles is one of my favorite topics. It isn’t that I’ve done much of it, but I’d like to.

And then, my big reward – The Instant Pot (electric pressure cooker) – was delivered this afternoon. I admit to some trepidation as I read the manual, but I decided I had to face this before it buffaloed me. I gained courage by watching the online video and tried the pot with something simple – steaming sweet potatoes. Actually, it didn’t go well at first because the valve was in the vent position. There was no build-up of pressure, so it was easy enough to start over. The finished product was tender and moist.

After supper, I brushed the dogs’ teeth as usual. Then they just stood there and looked at me expectantly – both of them. What was up with that? I couldn’t think of anything I’d forgotten to do. So, I just turned out the light and went to watch t.v. There’s only so much one human can do.

And now, as Saturday approaches, Staycation Arizona 2015 draws to a close. It’s been fun – sort of – but I’m ready to move on. Brother Chuck reported at 7:30 this morning that Mike had left his house after breakfast. He made it to Gooding tonight and will be home tomorrow afternoon. I must shop, clean the kitchen, cook, and set the house to rights. KW


  1. Did you give them their half a cookie that they get after brushing their teeth? I'm not sure why that is the order, but that's how Dad does it.

  2. In recent months, Mike has begun to brush their teeth right after the human supper while everyone is milling around the kitchen. It's easier then than when everyone is drowsy. They still get their bedtime treat when they go to the kennel.

    Whatever -- they seemed to have the same thought. Eerie!

  3. You bought the pot!! Once again, thank goodness for the internet and bloggers and videos to help us learn about our new toys.

  4. Yes, Chris, I did buy the Instant Pot. I read the manual but found the language difficult and the suggested recipes -- well, strange. So yes, thank goodness for the internet, videos, and bloggers --and friends!
