remember a conversation between my mother and Aunt Ethel when I was a girl.
Aunt Ethel, an avid knitter, said that she had made an afghan using black yarn
and would NEVER do it again. She said it was so hard to work with black, and my
mother agreed.
the other day I learned just how hard it is. I fell in love with a Halloween
throw in rows of black, yellow, white, and orange, starting with black. Ripple
afghans (also called chevron or zigzag) are supposedly easy to make, but do you
think I could get it started correctly?! I spent last Saturday starting – and then
restarting and restarting. It took me hours to get the foundation row right,
and then mistakes cropped up as I worked along, but did I give up? No, I
persevered and now I’m on my first color change.
don’t suppose I need a whole lot of throws in my cupboard, but I like to make
them, especially the simple repeats. I can do those while “watching” tv in the
evenings. It’s fun to make other things, too – and I do some of that – but not
at night. (I’m not sure I make rows of black ripples at night either.) KW
You worked with black when you did the granny square afghan. Maybe that was easier since the black was the outer edge of each square. I don't recall doing anything in black, but I can imagine that it's hard to see and count. Still, it sounds like a fun one!
Yes, the third round of each granny square in the Challis coverlet is black. It wasn't difficult because of working in the "chain" spaces. Single crochet in the chains has been difficult.
That said, I started all over today. The start I had made was so narrow as to be impractical. I decided if it was worth doing, it was worth doing well. I think I restarted three times, but it appears to be correct now. And it's much better. I probably won't finish it this year. Oh well.
You won't finish with that attitude! But, if it does take longer, that's okay...it just means celebrating longer.
Well . . . it's three weeks until Halloween, and I can't sit and crochet all day, and I've set myself back. But it doesn't matter. And you make a good point -- it is a way of celebrating.
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