Sunday, May 28, 2017


Staycation 2017 came quickly to a close as soon as Mike returned from his trip to New Mexico and south Texas. We were busy for several days – seems like we’re always busy with something – and then we headed for the farm on Wednesday (May 24).

It was 100 at our town house on Tuesday, but a wind cooled things down Tuesday evening, and it was chilly at the farm on Wednesday and Thursday. It’s warm again now, though.

For the first time ever, I think, our fields are in rapeseed, now turning their brilliant fluorescent yellow. It stands taller than you might think – about 7 feet – and Mike says he finds it confining. I, however, am loving the photo ops. At any rate, it’s so much better than the fallow, barren-looking fields we had last year.

Mike says he also doesn’t care for the aroma of the rapeseed. It undoubtedly has an odor, but I haven’t exactly identified it yet. The lilacs are fragrant, and I concentrate on that.

Fawn . . .
. . . waiting for mama to come back.
When we went for our evening walk on Friday, this adorable little fawn was waiting for his mama at our gate post – I mean, right beside the road. We had to wonder about mama’s judgement. We have seen little fawn left to wait before but never one this tiny. He/she was worried – even started to cry – but he was not about to budge from the spot. Hallie and Nick checked at the gate as they drove in Friday night, but the little guy was gone. That was a good thing.

American coot -- 2017
We saw an American coot on the pond for a day or two and thought perhaps its mate was there in the rushes. We enjoyed watching the coot family grow up last year and looked forward to a repeat, but I guess it wasn’t to be because the coot was apparently a loner and abruptly left. Bummer.

We’ve enjoyed watching a pheasant strut around the pond. That’s kind of a sad tale, too, because Mike says he will be lonely without a mate and might not make it.

And then there are the bunnies. Mike watched one skirt all around the house, and when we returned from a walk, there it was at the top of the lane. Hallie and Nick watched a baby bunny one evening. I’m afraid I won’t think the bunnies are cute when they eat my garden greens.

So, that’s what’s up with us . . .


  1. The garden! We forgot to do up the gate on the tire bed. Shoot. Maybe Dad will help with it.

  2. Yes, Dad will help. I didn't exactly forget. It was too late, too hot, too something. It's not a big deal right now anyway -- only when it sprouts. Loves.
