Monday, May 22, 2017


Today was a busy day, and I just couldn’t accomplish a whole task list before it was time to go to the convention. I made a batch of pheasant enchiladas for Mike’s supper tomorrow (Saturday) night. I cleared the kitchen counter of sewing tools, and then I “unboxed” the yarrow plants, watered them, and left them on the counter. (The counter is always cluttered with something.) I began to reorganize my sewing room – again, a hopeless task when time is short. I made a final check of everything I need to take to convention, which is considerable. Since the convention is in Lewiston, at least I can sleep at home.

And of course, the needs of the dogs are not to be overlooked. We took our main walk early this morning. I thought I would register early at convention, but when it was about time to leave, Ken called and said he would take Bess for a run up Critchfield Gulch. Discussion ensued with the result that I agreed to delay leaving and he would try to come for Bess earlier. In the end, Bess had her run, and then I kenneled both dogs. My arrival at convention was still within the appropriate time frame.

So, I drove the six miles to the convention venue, registered, visited, and attended two short conversation sessions. Then I drove back home – six miles, remember – provided a constitutional for Bess and Nellie, put food in their dishes, showered myself, and leaving the dogs in the house, I returned to the convention for the banquet. It was a fun evening of inspiration, conversation, and laughter. (Notice I’m not mentioning the food.)

It was late – nearly 10:00 – when I arrived at the house. Bess and Nellie were overjoyed – ecstatic! – to see me, so much so that one of them (truly, I know not which one) kicked over the water bucket, spilling a quart or more of water all over the floor. They seemed not to notice, but I did, and it had to be cleaned up – another concept that eludes them. Well, the floor is cleaner now. KW

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the convention was enjoyable. I knew it would be a busy few days with the back and forth for the dogs.
