Wednesday, July 19, 2017


The day has a strange look to it – not quite bright somehow. I’m sure we can attribute this to smoke in the air from field burning.

As we get older, this back and forth lifestyle becomes more and more challenging. If I don’t make lists, I’m lost. Our family recently laughed over our permanent list of the things we mustn’t forget as we leave for town. We need one in town, too.

A gift from the Mile High Warnocks
I say that because Monday afternoon, we loaded the pick-up and the dogs and headed for the farm. Our first stop was at the gas station, some 5-6 miles from our house through a long construction detour. As Mike climbed out, he said, “Oh darn! I forgot my phone.” (If you think he said, “oh darn,” you don’t know Mike.) I considered it fortuitous that he remembered before we left town. We agreed that we had to go back for it. I'm just glad he remembered when he did.

The house from the lane
We had originally planned to return to the farm on Tuesday, but I suggested the Monday afternoon departure. We keep close tabs on the dogs in town, and I was ready for a more relaxed scenario.It's so much easier to care for the dogs at the farm.

The house from the north field
We saw a rattlesnake on our walk yesterday afternoon – on the road near the curve before the lane. I didn’t have the camera or my phone with me, so you’ll have to be content to use your imagination. We thought it was an older snake, given its less distinct markings and plenty of rattles. Interestingly, it appeared to know we were there but wanted to avoid us – just kept moving down the ditch. We haven’t seen as many snakes this year, but Hallie and Nick had separate encounters as they picked berries while they were here.

Central Ridge from the road this morning
We don’t see the deer so much, given the thick nature of the rapeseed fields. However, we know they're here. Last week, a mule deer buck approached the top of the lane but thought better of entering the yard. And yesterday we scared up a whitetail doe down in the draw.

Well, I’m mostly rambling in order to post pictures. Before he left, Yancey commented that the fields seemed to be browner than when they arrived two days prior, and it’s true that they ripen more and more each day, but I still see some green plants. Farmer Kyle says he’ll harvest it in August. KW

[Mike and I are so pleased with the plaque pictured above, a gift from son Yancey and family who visited recently. The custom plaque was made by artist Jennifer Borre (here).]


  1. The plaque is lovely! How is the Idaho shape made? Or a better question is, what it is made of? A wonderful remembrance of a fun family time and a family heirloom.

  2. Hi Chris! The "Idaho" on the plaque is glass, designed after the colors on the Idaho license plate. We hung it in the living room -- a fun display.
