Sunday, July 16, 2017


In the week before our family arrived, I was already playing with Emmy, stitching up a lovely “garden party” dress for her American Girl Elizabeth. The dress is modeled here by Shirley Anne, “American Farm Girl,” who has no clothes of her own, poor thing. And yes -- she does complain about it, but always with a smile.

Emmy painting birdhouses
“I want to make something,” said Emmy on Saturday afternoon. I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, but as we went through the patterns on my iPad, she pointed out certain ones she liked. Emmy was ambitious, but I know myself – and pretty sure I know her, too. I told her we just didn’t have time to make a chair, a quilt, or even a dress.

Bess share chaise with Emmy
“Then let’s do something with the clothes I have,” Emmy said. “We could put stuff on them.” Stuff? I was dubious but didn’t say so. We went up to the vintage sewing room, which was doubling as Emmy’s room for her stay.  
“This is my sewing room,” I said.
“Then why is there a bed in here?” asked Emmy.

Mike made Bess' collar
As Emmy dumped her doll clothes onto the bed, I opened my sewing cupboard and prayed for a miracle. And lo and behold! I found one! – a box of vintage trims. Emmy was delighted and commenced at once to decide which trim would look best on which outfit. My part was to tack and tuck and stitch as instructed.

Clint and Emmy (kite flying)
As we worked along, we visited. “What do you think of Velcro [closures] on doll clothes?” I asked.
“I LOVE it,” answered Emmy.
Well, I’ve wondered about those Velcro closure, but I guess I’ll wonder no more.

After about 20 minutes, Emmy announced she was going outside – what did I tell you? -- leaving me to finish up as instructed, but I really didn’t mind. It was an informative session. I learned that I need to break out of my conservative mold and do a better job of embellishing the doll clothes. As for today’s work, the decorative touches were super cute and made old outfits new again. It was perfect.

Grandpa & Emmy (Bess looks on)
And so, on Monday, we waved good-bye, and the parting felt all too soon. However, it’s on to the next thing. “And what’s that,” you ask. All things autumn – bright earthy colors, Halloween, Thanksgiving. If you don’t believe me, just stop by Jo-Ann’s. And as always – more doll clothes. KW
Moon over the old barn

[Somehow I didn’t take many pictures (except of the cows), but Kelly took many with her “big” camera, practicing with her new telephoto lens. I chose some of my favorites to post here. With the exception of the doll and the picture of Emmy painting the birdhouses, the rest are Kelly’s.]


  1. That dress is adorable! Love it!! Does Shirley Anne requested one for herself yet?

  2. I guess that should say, HAS she requested one. Argh!!

  3. I totally understand the pitfalls of keyboarding. Never worry about it.

    Shirley Anne is wonderfully unselfish and forgiving. She literally gives her "cousins" the clothes off her back because she knows they need them NOW. She cheerfully awaits the time she will have her own wardrobe -- and so do her sisters.

    I guess it's okay to say I copied the idea for this dress from Pinterest. I used Butterick 6265 ("Retro Butterick '57"), but instead of a formal fabric, I used yardage I found in my stash. (It may have been from Mother's stash.) Now that I'm turned on to options, I just might make another. I think it's a great pattern -- goes together nicely and fits the doll well.
