Sunday, November 10, 2019


Saturday, I was awake at 3:00 a.m. and finally got up at 4:30, reminding myself that just a few days ago it would have been 5:30 and that’s almost 6:00. My email brought lots of holiday ideas – not that I need them – and I ordered a Christmas truck tree ornament. I also shopped for a box in which to store my vintage Christmas card collection, but the inner voice said to check Walmart first.

Back in the day, on an autumn Saturday like this, my mother might say, “Kathy, let’s go to Lewiston.” And just like that, we would go. And so, I decided to observe this day by taking my obsessive self to Walmart. I found a box for the cards (88 cents, by the way) and just enjoyed poking around the store for an hour or so. Mike and I often shop together, but he doesn’t like to poke around. “What do you want on this aisle,” he’ll ask.

I didn’t have many items in my cart, so I used self-check rather than wait in line. But hark! Do my ears deceive me, or is the Salvation Army ringing the bell? Yes, as if on cue, it IS the bell ringer. I can almost smell roasting turkey and gingerbread cookies.

Arriving back home, I found today’s staycation gift in the mailbox, a cookie scoop to replace my old one which broke. Okay, so that’s not really a gift, but I’m happy because it wasn’t fun getting along without it. And the point is that something comes in the mail – something to look forward to.

Mike called me this morning and again after he arrived at the Mile High Warnock’s. He had a little car trouble near Fort Collins, he said, and will leave the GTI with a dealer for service. Good that he’s where he can do that.

My list of staycation projects is ambitious, and I know from experience that I must get a move on or none of it will happen. Today I cleaned the counter in the kitchen and put my cutting mat on it. I also set up my Bernina 630 in the living room so that I can embroider while doing other things. And yes, I made a start on that. But – I can’t check anything off the list yet.

I had a fire in the little stove this morning but not this evening. I won’t do that again. The house needs evening warmth. KW


  1. I am interested in what a "little car trouble" was and how he continued to Denver.

  2. Hi Chuck! Mike thinks he lost the turbo function. He plans to leave it with a VW dealer in Denver for an assessment. That's about all I know. It's his story and he'll probably tell it.

  3. There's no warmth like that of a wood stove! I love to back up to ours (actually an insert in the basement fireplace) and when I get good and warm, sit down and feel all that warm from my backside sort of spread all over me. And I don't know why, but even though the thermostat and other thermometers say it's warm, it always seems cold in the evenings. Stay warm!!

  4. I also marvel that the thermometer says it's warm while I'm cold. I think it's cold in the corners. This morning I turned the furnace on for a while. It's plenty warm in here now, and I'll have to try to manage that because it's too soon to let the fire go out.
